
业内人士: 市民抗辩高额水费帐单难得胜算

Industrial insider: residents disputing high water bills never win the battle



A shockingly high water bill received by Toronto residents may lead to a dispute resulting in the emotionally drained residents paying the original amount they were billed for.


一个不想透露姓名的行业内部人士王先生(化名)表示:“不管是什么原因造成了超高的读表数字,市政府给投诉住户的回应只有一个:偶尔漏水---- 这意味着住户将对漏水而造成的高额账单负责。”

“Whatever the reason causingthe extraordinarily high meter reading, there is always one answer provided to the deputing resident: occasional leak – which means that residents will be responsible for the bill caused by the leak,” said Mr. Wong (not his real name), an industrial insider who wants to remain anonymous.


 今年早些时候,《大中报》(Chinese News)报道了一名加拿大华裔和多伦多市政之间的水费纠纷。

Earlier this year, Chinese News published a story on a water bill dispute between a Chinese Canadian and the City of Toronto.



Back in September, Amy Lam (not her real name) received a utility bill from the city of Toronto charging her household $10,592.26 for water services between March 20, 2012 and July 25, 2012.



While much of Toronto still pays a flat rate for water services, many residents including Ms. Lam now have a water meter, which measures a household’s water consumption by volume and adjusts charges accordingly.




Ms. Lam’s previous water bill had cost $673.91, only a fraction of her current bill. Despite a leaking toilet that was fixed in June, she could think of no reason for the huge disparity and assumed the billing department had made a mistake.



在等待市政调查的过程中,兰女士在12月收到新的账单$ 10,333.08,其中包括725日至1210日的$380.03元的水费,以及逾$500元滞纳罚金。

While waiting for city’s investigation on her dispute, Ms. Lam received a bill in Dec for $10,333.08, which included $380.03 for additional water services between July 25 and December 10, and more than $500 in late penalty charges.



Ms. Lam visited the civic centre’s utility payment office in Jan. when she was greeted by an assistant who said an investigation had already been conducted and that her bill was the result of leaks. 



“Occasional leak”


20124月,多伦多监察署(Toronto ombud)菲奥娜·克林(Fiona Crean)在“不停收到住户因为突然或莫名的用水量增长而收到超额账单的投诉”后,发布了一份多伦多用水调查报告。

In April 2012, Toronto ombud Fiona Crean released a report investigating the city’s water services, after receiving “ongoing complaints from residents about excessive bills for sudden, inexplicable water consumption,” the report said.



“Staff told (residents) that, if the meter was accurate and there was no city equipment or other error, (they) were responsible for the bill,” the report said. “Complainants found their consumption returned to previous levels in the next billing period, regardless of whether the meter was replaced.” 


 多伦多的公关顾问克里斯蒂娜·巴恩斯(Christina Barnes在早期接受《大中报》采访时说房主必须负责支付在其住宅的所有用水量,包括漏水。

Christina Barnes, a communication consultant with the city of Toronto, told Chinese News in an earlier interview that homeowners are responsible for all water consumed on their premises, including leaks.



 “It remains the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure that plumbing on their premises is in good working order,” she said. “For example, a leaking toilet that continues to run after flushing can waste up to 200,000 litres of water in a single year.”



According to its website, the city charges around $2.71 per cubic metre (1000 litres) of water consumed, so a leaking toilet can add more than $540 to a resident’s annual water bill.



According to the ombud’s report, 94 percent of Toronto’s water meters were accurate. The remaining six percent over-registered by an average of only 2.34 percent.



Mr. Wong, the industry insider told Chinese News that Lam’s story wasn’t surprising at all. Although such dispute rarely happens (1 out every 4600 residents), almost all of the disputed high water bills will end up getting a same answer from the city -- “occasional leak.”



According to Wong, there are many reasons that could result in an unexpected high reading -- sometimes it is the toilet leaks, and other times, it might be the bubbles in the water pipe, or water pressure fluctuations resulting in fast readings on worn out water meters.



And based on the current testing system, it cannot detect the bubbles, or water pressure fluctuations.



But even in those situations, the residents will also be told that it is caused by occasional leaks,” says Wong.



Councillor Davis said that residents like Ms. Lam will have a greater chance of succeeding if they can submit documents proving they have no leaks when disputing a bill.



Without such document, according to Wong, most residents contesting the bill will see themselves on the losing side of the legal battle, including court proceeding.



“The benefit of doubts always goes to the accused, which is the city,” said Wong.




Proactive measures


31选区的议员珍妮特·戴维斯(Janet Davis)称,住户必需确保定期查看他们的水表,如果收到过高的水费单,可以拨打市府的非紧急服务热线311

According to Ward 31 Councillor Davis, residents need to make sure their meters are being read regularly, and phone 311, the city’s non-emergency services line, if they receive an excessively high bill.



Residents should also hire a plumber to check their home for leaks, and document everything. 


 “要确保水表工作正常是非常重要的。”王说,所有市居民都应按时经常检查水表读数,起码每两个星期一次, 并通过电子照片将读数记录下来。同时,市民还应该注意到位于水表中心的漏水表盘指数。一旦发现异常,立即向市政厅报告。”

 “It is also important to make sure your water meter works properly,” says Wong, who indicates that residents should regularly check the meter reading -- at least once every two weeks, and record the reading by taking digital photos. They should pay attention to the leak indicator located at the meter centre. If any irregularity is detected, report to the city immediately.



“This is the only way that you can prevent the similar situation from happening to you,” says Wong.


With help from Chinese News, Ms. Lam arranged an appointment with one of the city’s utility department managers in Jan.


Unfortunately, the meeting did not go as planned. The manager could not give Ms. Lam a satisfactory explanation for why her bill was so expensive.
As such, Ms. Lam remaind to be responsible for the





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