

Who will foot the bills for the fat paycheques of public sectors’ CEO?

The excessive pay for CEOs has been in the spotlight for quite awhile and has sparked public outrage. Comparing with the salaries of the working class people, their salaries are out of whack. Believe it or not, by the lunch hour of the first day of the year, some CEOs have already made more money than you and I will make in the entire year.


It is the CEO’s unfairly pay schemes, where the payment is not directly linked to their performance – that caused the rage.  For the private sectors’ CEO, their payments are connected to the stock prices on Bay Street – Even though the company’s performance suffers a blow at their retirement, some CEOs still bring home excessive cash due to propped stock prices.


最让人愤怒是CEO们的不公平的薪酬方案,即使他们的收入并不由其业绩决定的。对于私营企业的CEO来说,他们的薪酬是跟贝街(Bay Street)上的股票价格挂钩 - 尽管某些公司老总们在其退休时公司业绩惨遭重创,但被哄抬的股票价格会令这些CEO们大把大把的往家大把的搂钱。


But for the public sector CEOs, the pay scheme is even less merit based than their counterparts in the private sector. If the private sectors CEOs are somewhat controlled by the stock prices, how much a public sector CEOs brings home is not linked to public observed performance measures. The truth is, public sectors’ CEOs are rewarded by the money from taxpayers like you and me, and they have the power to extract as much as they want.




Such CEOs are prevalent in the Ontario’s public sector. They appear in OPG and other Crown corporations, or the public school board.




A recent Ontario auditor’s report exposed “very generous” wages and benefits at OPG, the Crown agency, which led to the sacking of its chief financial officer, its executive vice-president of strategic initiatives, and its internal audit vice-president.


最近安大略省的审计报告暴露了政府企业安省能源公司“非常慷慨”的工资和福利方案,从而导致其财务总监, 其战略计划执行副总裁和其内部审计副总裁被解职。


The crown agency has increased the size of "its highly paid executive and senior management group" by almost 60 per cent since 2005, and two-thirds of executives and top managers have received bonuses of up to 150% of their base salaries.


这一政府公司的“高薪行政和高管层”的规模自2005年增加了60% ,三分之二的行政和高层管理人员拿到了其基本工资150%的奖金。


According to the report, chief financial officer Donn Hanbidge earned $653,144 last year in addition to $4,515 in taxable benefits, and executive vice-president John Murphy made $687,708 plus $138,307 in taxable benefits.


根据该报告,财务总监Donn Hanbidge 在去年赚取$653,144元薪金及额外的$4,515 元应税福利,以及执行副总裁John Murphy则赚了$687,708元薪金及额外的$138,307元应税福利。


And there are also pension benefits. The five top OPG executives — apparently including Hanbidge and Murphy — are eligible for annual pensions of between $180,000 and $760,000. Overall there’s a $555-million pension deficit the Crown agency must cover.


同时还有丰厚的退休金。安省电力公司的顶尖五名行政人员,当然包括Hanbidge Murphy都可以拿到每年$180,000$760,000元的退休金。而这家机构必须支付5亿5500万退休金的总空缺额。


Meanwhile the amount of energy generated by the agency was reduced by 20% – direct evidence indicating that their salaries are not linked to performance measures.




The auditor’s report also touches on TDSB – the largest school board in Canada. The auditor found almost $1.3 million in unauthorized raises for senior staff since 2010, while a provincial wide compensation restraint over all public sector employees have been in place.


审计师报告也涉及多伦多教育局 - 加拿大最大的教育局。审计调查发现自2010年起其机构高级职员的薪金在未经准许情况下提高了大约130万元,而此期间安省公共机构的所有雇员已经不准许加薪。


Back in April, the Globe and Mail reported that the executives at the Ontario’s lottery corporation (OLG) jumped 49 per cent to $3.6-million in 2012 from $2.4-million in 2010.




Apparently, these public sector executives seem to be in a privileged and entitled class. They have the taxpayers’ money under their reign, and they feel free to act as though there are no upper limits on what they get from the public purse.




When public sector executives take home more in a year than the average family make for two decades, “people feel their like their money is not respected,” says Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath.


安省新民主党领导人Andrea Horwath表示,当公共机构的高层一年拿回家的钱比普通家庭二十年赚的都多时,“人们感到自己的钱没有得到尊重”。


Obviously, the ratepayers are footing the costs of OPG fat pay cheques. The costs of these overpayments will be passed on to the consumers. Partially due to their bloated payments, Ontario residents face increased hydro bills in the next several years – their electricity rate will increase 9.6% next year, 5.8% in 2015 and 15% in 2016. Ten years from now, the average family’s bill will be 50% more than today.






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