

How does culture influence sexual behavior of teenagers?

   Nancy Jin


18-year-old Sherry was born into a Chinese Canadian family in Toronto. As a daughter of immigrant parents, she speaks excellent Chinese at home, and talks with her parents in their native language.


By the time Sherry graduated from high school, she had never had sex with a boy. Occasionally, Sherry had talked to her parents about some boys she had crushes on, but the conversations would always put her parents on full alert. Often it would end up abruptly with a warning of not getting close to any boys.


I feel that having a relationship at this age is not accepted by my parents, said Sherry. They told me that I should not to be distracted but focus on my school tasks only.


Sex during adolescence is considered unacceptable by most Chinese parents. However, there are different explanations for the reasons behind it.

研究结果 The studys findings 根据最近UBC的一项调查,大多数亚裔(中国,日本和南韩)背景的青少年学生(90%)从未有过性生活,而与之相比,安省学生高中生中从未有过性生活的比例仅为22%。约11% 的亚裔学生进行过口交,而安省高中生中此比例为26%

In a recent UBC study, it was revealed that the majority (90%) of East Asian Chinese, Japanese and Korean adolescent students have never been involved in sexual activities, compared with the provincial rate of 22%. And only about 11% of East Asian students have ever tried oral sex, while the provincial rate is as high as 26%.


The study separated East Asian high school students (from Gr. 7 to 12) into two large groups – those who speak a language other than English at home (heritage students) and those who, although born into an East Asian family, speak English at home (non-heritage students). The study found that heritage students are less likely to have engaged in sexual activities than their non-heritage counterparts.


Specifically, less than 10% of heritage boys have had sex intercourse, compared with more than 10% of non-heritage East Asian boys. Similarly, only 7.5% of heritage girls, compared with 15.4% non-heritage girls, have had sexual intercourse.

而亚裔高中生中口交情况也具类似趋势。8.9%的移民传统男孩中有过口交行为,而14.2%的加国出生的,非传统男孩中有过口交行为。出生于加国的亚裔女孩的情况也大抵如此,即7.5%的传统女孩有过口交行为,相比之下,15.4% 的非传统女孩有过口交行为。

A similar pattern is shown for East Asian students who have had oral sex. 8.9% of immigrant heritage boys have had oral sex, compared with 14.2% of Canadian born non-heritage boys. And for East Asian girls born in Canada, about 7.5% of heritage girls have had oral sex, compared with 15.4% of non-heritage girls.


According to the study, “not feeling ready” and “waiting for Mr. Right” are the two most common reasons given by East Asian students for refraining from sexual activities. Students who speak heritage language at home seem to be closer to the East Asian culture, while alienated from the Western culture that holds a more liberal attitude towards sex, says the study.


In many Asian cultures, open discussion about sexual topics has been traditionally considered inappropriate. Sexual intercourse during adolescence or before marriage also has been viewed as unacceptable, bringing shame or dishonor to the family, the study reads.


By comparison, the East Asian cultures are, indeed, more sexually conservative. But do the majority of East Asians hold the view that having sex as a teenager or before marriage causes disgrace to the family, as the study pointed out?


In 2009, an Afghan immigrant practiced honor killing by murdering his three daughters who flirted with boys at school, believing that their behavior destroyed the family honor. This practice of honor killing is not only considered unacceptable in the Western society, but also despised by most Chinese immigrants.  


As Chinese economic reforms bring independence to women, modern Chinese people are quickly abandoning their traditional culture. In most Chinese cities, the premarital sex, adultery, and divorce rates have all skyrocketed. For many Chinese families, premarital sex has brought much less shame and dishonor to the family than poverty or lack of education.


Putting their children’s education as top of their parenting priorities, East Asian immigrants are far more concerned about the negative impact that early sex would bring on their children’s academics than the disgrace or dishonor it may bring to the family.  


My parents told me that if I am involved with boys, either emotionally or sexually, it would distract me from focusing on my school work, and I tend to agree with that,” said Sherry, who graduated from high school with a 93% average. 




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