
《大中报》特报 房产投资的避风港 阳光州的坦帕湾

来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia

Step Aside Toronto, Tampa is the New Real Estate hotspot


随着加拿大楼市持续飙升屡创新高,加拿大华人及外国投资者大量涌入温哥华和多伦多的房地产市场。但是专家仍继续警告称加拿大楼市面临修正风险。  面对未来市场的动荡,下一个安全的资金避风港又会是哪里?或许就是坐落在阳光州坦帕湾的温暖海滨城市。

With the Canadian housing market soaring to new heights, Chinese-Canadians and foreign investments are flooding into Vancouver and Toronto housing markets. But experts continue to warn that a correction is coming. With uncertainty around the corner, where is the next safe capital haven? The answer might lie in The Sunshine State, by the warm beaches of Tampa Bay.



                Each year, thousands of Canadian Snowbirds flock to the Sunshine state to avoid the gripping cold of Canadian winter, for cheap American goods, and to soak up the sun. From ocean facing hotels, to lavish casinos and resorts, bustling shopping centers, and gorgeous Oceanside beach houses, Tampa is one of the true gems in South Florida.


                Tampa, a city of 350,000, is home to three major league sports teams. On top of that, the city welcomes thousands of Canadian snowbirds each winter. But for most Chinese-Canadians, Tampa is a city they are unfamiliar with.

在短短几年中,坦帕已经成为美国最炙手可热的房地产市场之一,并且预计还会继续增长,根据CNN Money的排名,目前坦帕已是美国第七热门的房地产市场。

Within a few short years, Tampa has become one of the hottest markets in the United States and has been forecasted to continue experiencing growth and was ranked the 7th hottest market by CNN Money.

但是在坦帕白手起家的房地产大亨阿庞特认为,坦帕的排名应该还会更高。阿庞特及其公司Florida Notes已经在南佛罗里达州进行了数千宗房地产交易,其中大部分都是在坦帕。

                But Bryon Aponte, a self-made real estate mogul in Tampa, believes that Tampa should be ranked even higher. Aponte and his company, Florida Notes, have conducted thousands of deals in South Florida, with the bulk of them being in Tampa.


                “Everyone wants to go to Orlando to see Mickey Mouse; it’s a tourist trap. Miami is overpriced. I could choose to be in any U.S. city, but Tampa is where I want to be right now,” says Aponte.


Even though the Tampa housing market collapsed six years ago in 2008, the effects of the Great Recession are still lingering about. Despite major strides of recovery, Tampa still has the seventh highest foreclosure rate in the United States—twice as many in cities such as Dallas, Phoenix, and even Detroit. In fact, Florida as a whole posted the nation’s highest foreclosure rate --with Miami, Tampa, and Orlando being the hardest hit metros.



                The result of the financial crisis has made Tampa a real estate goldmine, allowing investors such as Aponte to make a killing by buying low from banks and selling high to owners and other investors.



“The Tampa investment market is ripe right now. Ever since the massive bubble, homes that used to sell for $150,000 before the recession can now be picked up for half of that,” says Aponte. “I have the connections, the experience, and knowledge of Tampa that allows me to do this.”



Although Aponte has made a small fortune by buying and dumping immediately, he is also involved in numerous other avenues of real estate. Among them are ‘fix and flips’, rentals, and teardowns and rebuilds.


阿庞特并不是唯一一个摘取唾手可得的果实的人。据《坦帕湾时报》报道,跨国对冲基金公司已经向坦帕楼市投资数百万元资金。仅是在2013年,Blackstone Investments Waypoint Asset Management就在坦帕购买了数千套物业,总价值超过$8亿元。

Aponte isn’t the only one picking the low hanging fruit though. According to The Tampa Bay Times, multinational hedge fund companies are pumping hundreds of millions into the city. Just in 2013, Blackstone Investments and Waypoint Asset Management purchased thousands of properties, amounting to more than $800 million.



 “As of right now, I’m picking up an 1800 square foot house in a decent area. I’m going to rezone it as Residential Business, renovate it and sell it for $350,000 in three months—in total I’d invest $185K,” claims Bryon. “On top of that, I would collect $3800 a month in rent.”



                Shockingly, the median house price in Tampa stands at $177,000. Compared to Canadian standards, Tampa’s home prices are unfathomable. Today, the average home price (including condos, detached and semi-detached) in Toronto stands at a staggering $550,000. To illustrate the housing craze in Toronto, a 210-sq foot Toronto house (with no bathroom and kitchen) sold for $165,000 in 2013.



                The continued surge in the Canadian housing market has been met with both enthusiasm and caution. As thousands of investors pump capital into hot markets, such as Toronto and Vancouver, experts have simultaneously warned of a soft landing with others claiming a disaster is looming.



But exactly where is the capital coming from? A recent report from The Globe and Mail reveals that one-third of Macdonald Realty’s—one of the largest real estate firms in Vancouver--single-detached home sales were sold to people with ties to mainland China. Despite the lack of verifiable information, it is not unreasonable to conclude there is significant foreign influence on the Toronto real estate market.



With political instability caused by President Xi’s new crackdown on corruption and inflation rates estimated at 3%, thousands of Chinese are looking to park their money in foreign assets.



“The interest rate in China is so high—maybe more than 10% in some Chinese banks,” says Mr. Zhang, a Chinese businessman who owns real estate in Toronto. “Compared to China, the interest rate is extremely low in Canada, and I can make a big return here.”



Zhang, who purchased an $800,000 Toronto home in 2009, sold his property for more than $1 million a few months ago. Zhang, like many other Chinese investors, are enticed by low mortgage rates in Canada and speculate that the market will continue to remain heated. But a recent report by an economist at Royal Bank of Canada claims that interest rates will start to rise by 2016. The report further claims that home sales will begin to slow and prices will peter out.



Despite Zhang’s stunning returns, betting an entire fortune in a single market is highly risky investment strategy.  For wealthy Chinese investors, Tampa may offer and opportunity to broaden their investment horizons.



“The worst thing you can do in life is put all your eggs in one basket,” says Aponte.



When asked if Zhang was interested in purchasing a property in Tampa, he cited concerns of instability and felt his potential return would be far lower in the United States.



However, markets like Tampa are still recovering and the risk of a sudden correction is far lower compared with the overheated Canadian markets. According to CoreLogic, a property and consumer analytics corporation, home prices climbed 14.6% throughout 2014, and are forecasted to rise by another 8% through 2015.



“I bet there will be a massive downturn within two years in Canada”, says Aponte.  “The rentals don’t support the value…a million dollar home will never earn the rent that it demands. And if you’re holding onto the asset when the market goes south, you’re in big trouble. It’s a dangerous game of hot potato.”



Using a simple example Aponte provided, purchasing a $400,000 condo of 500 square feet that earns $1,800 a month in rent would yield a negative capitalization (profit) rate after deducting taxes, interest, insurance, and utilities.



Aponte claims that investing in Tampa is a far more profitable investment. Since homes in Tampa are a fraction of Toronto and Vancouver home prices, investors would be able to buy multiple properties in Tampa. Ultimately, Aponte’s strategy would allow investors to collect rent on each property and allow them to sell in the future.



“People just need to be made aware that there’s a lot of money to be made in Tampa right now. But you got to see it for yourself.”




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