

Thomas Mulcair: I want to meet the extraordinary ethnic communities
来源: Bob Mok

在3月15日,Bob Mok对联邦新民主党党魁唐民凯进行了专访,期间重点讨论了华裔社区的影响,以及对今年即将举行的联邦大选的准备等问题。读者可登陆YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3T7H3RgEAs观看此次专访的视频。

On March 15, Bob Mok had a one-on-one interview with The Honourable Thomas Mulcair (联邦新民主党党魁唐民凯).The discussions centred on issues affecting the Chinese Community and preparations for the upcoming Federal election this year. A video of this interview is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3T7H3RgEAs


Thomas Mulcair is the Leader of the opposition party in Canada’s Federal government. Many would think that the Opposition party is the Liberal Party with its leader is Justin Trudeau (自由党党魁贾斯汀杜鲁多) and that is simply incorrect. Currently, NDP holds 95 seats in the parliament compared with 36 held by the Liberal.


When asked about whether Olivia Chow will return as a candidate for the Federal NDP, Mulcair came up with an elusive answer - “You never know..” and a theatrical smile, a reaction left me believing that there is a very good chance for Olivia Chow to contest the Federal elections.


Talking about immigration policy, Mulcair was positive on increasing family reunion quotas. Canada has been accepting an average of 250,000 immigrants – including investors, skilled workers, and family reunion -- from all over the world each year over the last decade, with 35,000 being from China and less than 1,000 from Hong Kong. Mulcair believes that older newcomers are not necessarily a burden to the health care system.


The NDP voter base has been steadily eroded by the Liberals who are shifting to the left of the political spectrum slowly. However, there are confusions about the fundamental differences between the Liberal and NDP platforms.


Mulcair used the example of Bill C51 (Anti-Terror Act) as a contradiction between the NDP and the Liberals. He identified several issues – including Keystone pipelines, a 50 billion dollar tax break for the largest and richest corporations, and environment issues – that have separate the two parties. Moreover, Mulcair believes that a good party leader is capable of looking issues at both sides and that a good opposition party engages in “constructive criticism”.


Leadership is another big issue for voters. Mulcair faces challenges of lagging behind in the popularity polls of Federal political leaders. Lacking a well-known name as that of Trudeau, Mulcair believes that there is a big difference between voting for someone and saying that you know them.


Mulcair stated that Canadians need a change, and the change can only obtained by voting NDP because the Liberal and Conservatives share many similarities in party platforms – including economy, national security, and social issues. Getting Liberal elected is like changing a Coke for a Pepsi. NDP is the alternative to all of that, they are the real change and they are the “Orange Crush”, according to Mulcair.


Given that the Federal Election is scheduled for October 19, to gain the votes from the Chinese community and to identify issues that will motivate the community to vote seems pivotal to win the election.


Mulcair recognized that Ontario with around 120 seats is a massive player in the next campaign. More than one third of the seats in all of Canada are here in Ontario and even the GTA has more seats than all 4 Atlantic Provinces. There is a need to gauge and respond to a spectrum of diversified communities – including the Chinese community.


Mulcair says he will continue to go across Canada and to meet people from one of the most extraordinary, vibrant, productive communities – the Chinese community.


Muclair came across as an articulate, sincere, energetic, and straight-shooting politician. While many may not agree with some of his (NDP) party’s policies, he stands for a breath of fresh air amongst many stagnant and sluggish politicians.




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