
进口食品安检: CFIA新规定如何影响消费者(五)

Exploring CFIA Food Inspection System (V)
来源: Bob Mok

CFIA提议实施新规以加强对从婴儿配方奶到饮料等大量非鱼类进口食品的监管。Bob Mok在本文中探讨对食品进口商提出新的许可证要求。

The CFIA is proposing new regulations to improve oversight on imported non-fish food items – from infant formula to beverages. Bob Mok examines the proposed licensing requirements for food importers.

For the previous article in this series, please visit:



The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is proposing “Imported Food Sector Product Regulations” to improve oversight of imported food products in the Non-Federally Registered Sector (NFRS). This regulatory proposal would:

1) Strengthen the accountability of food importers for the safety of their products;

2) Allow the CFIA to better identify and engage importers; and

3) Improve importers' ability to quickly identify, respond to and advise the CFIA of potentially unsafe imported food.


We have identified some of the potential changes in details in our earlier articles in this series. Upon further review, it is evident that CFIA will not implement a mandatory inspection program. Rather, it will focus on Control systems, records retention, and recall procedures.

按照提议的新规,进口商必需拥有加拿大食品检验局发放的许可证。同时新规还建议收取进口许可证使用费。该项收费将根据《加拿大食品检验局法》通过CFIA Fees Notice执行。

Under the proposal, importers would be required to have a licence from the CFIA. A user fee is proposed for the import licence. The fee would be administered through the CFIA Fees Notice under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act.


In order to be licensed, importers would have to develop, implement and maintain a written Preventive Food Safety Control Plan. The plan would outline the actions and measures that the importer takes to make sure their food is safe and complies with Canadian legislation.

In addition, the importer would have to:

1)Maintain records at an address in Canada

2)Have a written recall plan

3)Notify the CFIA within 24 hours if they become aware that a product poses a hazard to consumers


The different types of importing businesses that may be affected by the proposed regulations and that may require a proposed user fee of $259.00 (fiscal year 2013/14) for a licence which is valid for two years: Food importers, retailers, brokers, distributors, some domestic food manufacturers and processors, and shipping services.


Licences will be issued by the CFIA and not the Canada Border Services Agency. Importers will be required to hold a licence prior to importing Imported Food Sector (IFS) products. In order for an IFS product to clear customs at the border, importers will have to provide a valid IFS import licence number. Those without a valid licence will not be able to import IFS products into Canada and will be referred to the CFIA to apply for a licence.


The licence will be issued automatically based on completion of the application and confirmation of payment of the licensing fee, and will be valid for two years before renewal is required. The proposed 10-day service standard is a minimum standard requirement imposed by the World Trade Organization (WTO) for electronic licensing.


The proposed regulations would apply to products such as: Bakery products, beverages, coffee and tea, confectionery/chocolate, fats and oils, grains, breads and cereals, infant formula, juices, meal replacements and formulated liquid diets, snack foods, spices and seasonings.


Throughout the consultation process, CFIA was not very explicit about their inspection program. One can only surmise that it is following the model it is using in the Fish Import License program as described earlier, albeit less stringent.


Just like the Fish Import License, CFIA will not verify if licence conditions have been met before a licence is issued to an importer. CFIA would apply a risk-based approach to verify compliance with conditions. The approach would, for example, consider the risk of the imported food and the compliance history of the importer.


There were concerns that requiring compliant labels at the time of import instead of prior to sale in Canada will have a significant impact on current re-labelling practices. This item was deferred to further evaluations by CFIA.


For record retentions, CFIA feels that it is important to maintain records for several years as the current purchasing and storing practices of retailers and consumers may result in products being kept for extended periods of time. A retention period (the longer of 3 years or one year after the expiry date of the product) is proposed.


At this time, public consultations are closed and the new regulations are not finalized. It would seem that CFIA is currently running behind schedule.


When the new regulation is issued, importers will need to work very hard at adjusting to them and try to balance between addition costs, efficiency, and food safety under their new licenses.




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