

The Ontario Progressive Conservative leader race (II)
来源: Bob Mok
在刚刚结束的安省保守党党领竞选中,Patrick Brown力克Christine Elliott大获全胜。从Brown的华人组织委员会成立伊始就任其成员的Bob Mok在此文中讲述了Brown的从政和竞选历程。

Patrick Brown has soundly defeated Christine Elliott to win a landslide victory in PC leadership race. Bob Mok, who was serving on Brown’s Chinese Organizing Committee since its inception, sheds light on the political and the campaign journey Brown has embarked on.


This is the second article in this series. For the first article, see the link below:

我第一次见到Patrick Brown是在区域议员Jim Jones去年秋天举办的市政竞选晚宴上,当时我与他在贵宾桌相邻而坐,我们都被邀请发表支持Jim Jones的讲话。他给人留下非常聪明、口才出众并且为人真诚的印象,而这也是促使我加入其此次党领竞选的华人组织委员会的主要原因。

I first met Patrick Brown at Regional Councillor Jim Jones’ municipal campaign dinner last fall and sat next to him at the head table. Both of us were invited to make speeches endorsing Jim Jones. He came across as a very bright, articulate, and sincere person and that formed the basis for me to join his Chinese Organizing Committee for this leadership race.

在上一篇文章中,我们已经介绍了此次党领竞选的结果以及两名最终候选人的背景。在本文中,我们将探讨其他人对Patrick Brown的看法,并聚焦其所秉持的政策方向。

In the previous article, we gave the result of the race and background of the two final candidates. This time, we will talk about the perception of Brown by others and focus on his known policies and directions.

Patrick Brown并非安省省议员,实际上在他宣布参选安省保守党党领,并抨击保守党现状是导致接连四次竞选落败的罪魁祸首之前,他从未涉足过省级政坛。这些败仗分属三位不同的安省保守党党领——Ernie Eves、John Tory和Tim Hudak (两次)。

Brown does not have a seat in the Ontario legislature and had virtually no provincial profile until he launched his leadership bid by storming the Tory establishment he blames for four consecutive election losses. These losses were accumulated by three different leaders – Ernie Eves, John Tory, and Tim Hudak (twice).

在竞选期间,Christine Elliott曾警告称如果Brown获胜,社会保守派将会执掌安省保守党。但Brown坚称自己不会重开堕胎辩论,尽管他并未说明自己是反堕胎还是提倡堕胎合法。

During the campaign, Christine Elliott had warned social conservatives would take over the PC party if Brown won. Brown insisted that he won’t re-open the abortion debate, even though he won’t say if he’s pro-life or pro-choice.


Brown travelled to northern Ontario nine times, insisting that he will build policy crafted by northerners. He promised his party would be one that Ontarians can believe in and one that would put their priorities first. He said he wants to make the province the easiest place to invest, not the most difficult.


In speaking with business owners who chose to expand their services in the United States rather than domestically, he realized that they cannot afford energy costs in Ontario. Hence, affordable energy will be one of his main priorities.

Brown’s other priorities:

Improving roadways and building safety.

Develop rapid transportation.

Create an education system that prepares students for jobs that exist in today's economy.


Brown does not have a seat at Queen’s Park (Ontario Legislature). There is no indication on when or where he will run for provincial office. It is essential that he can do this quickly to provide a presence and express his views and policies at the Provincial Parliament. Until then, he must now reach out to the vast majority of Tory MPPs who worked on Elliott’s campaign, and pick one of them to act as his point person in the legislature’s daily question period, going toe-to-toe with Wynne and her cabinet ministers.


Just which area of the political spectrum is occupied by Brown is difficult to pin down at this time until more policies are announced by him. Painting his rivals as part of a party establishment responsible for botched election campaigns against Wynne and her predecessor Dalton McGuinty, such as Tory’s 2007 promise of taxpayer funding for religious schools and Hudak’s 2013 pledge to cut 100,000 public sector jobs, Brown is drawing on the party members’ desire for “Change” and starting with a clean slate.


Brown duplicated his federal Conservatives’ playbook by reaching out to cultural communities to attract new members. Those who supported him including but not limited to: Tamils, Chinese, Arabs and Indo-Canadians. They accounted for new party members that are much younger and more diverse. It is conceivable that talented people will be drawn from these groups and become candidates in the next provincial election.


Next time, we will look into the changes that Brown may bring about within the Party and how his policies will distinguish the Progressive Conservatives from the Liberals.




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