

Death of a child only the start of family ordeal
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
两周前,两岁女童Hailey Dunbar-Blanchet失踪继而惨死的消息震惊全国。在本月周一的凌晨,小Hailey从位于Blairmore镇的家中失踪,其父亲随后也被发现遇害身亡,这顿时令当地社区被恐惧和担忧笼罩。在Hailey失踪不久后便启动了安珀警报,但在两天后警方却只找到了她的遗体。

The tragic death of the two year old girl Hailey Dunbar-Blanchet two weeks ago, following her disappearance has sent shock waves across the country.  In a morning of September, the little girl disappeared from her Blairmore home, leaving behind a dead body of her father and a community gripped by fear.   Two days after Amber Alert was issued following her disappearance, her body was discovered by the police.

再没有什么能比一个小女孩的惨死更让人揪心,但是Hailey并不是第一个因遭不幸而令我们心碎的小女孩。2009年,八岁女孩Tori Stradford在位于安省伦敦的家中遭绑架,她在遭性虐后被残忍杀害。

Nothing can be more disturbing than the tragic death of a little girl. But Hailey wasn’t the first one whose death has broken our hearts. In 2009, an eight -- year old Tori Stradford was abducted from her London Ontario home. She was later sexually abused and murdered. 


Twelve years ago, 9-year-old Cecilia Zhang was abducted from her North York home. Her body was later discovered in a wooded area 30 minutes away from her home.  Her horrific death has sent the shock waves across the country, leaving her families in agony and pain and the community in mourning and grief. 

毋庸置疑,这些惨案会让受害者的亲人悲痛欲绝 。但根据以往发生事件, 痛失爱女仅仅是家庭悲剧的序幕。

Needless to say, the horrific incident would devastate the victim’s loved ones.  But as it happened in the past, the loss of a child could only be the start of an ordeal for her families.


Often, when the case is shrouded in mystery, the internet would create a perfect platform for virtual strangers to explore their curiosity and obsession. Prior to the police identifies any suspect, the armature “online detectives” , who boast their ability to crack the case, would hide behind a computer screen conducting their own investigation. After making a flood of speculations, rumours and assaults, they would declare their victory by identifying the culprit of the crime – often the child’s family members.

Tori Stradford的母亲Tara McDonald ,以及张东岳的父母就都曾深受其害。如果痛失爱女是在母亲的心上插了一把刀,那网络的攻击就是在往其伤口上撒盐。

Tori Stradford mother Tara McDonald and Cecilia Zhang’s parents were all such victims at the time. If their child’s disappearance stabs a knife in the heart of the mother, the cyberspace assaults rub salt on their wound.  

Tara McDonald是一个现代女性。在Tori失踪后,她一直依靠社交媒体获取情感支持,并渴望从网上得到一些有助于找到女儿下落的线索。但是在她承认自己是一个吸毒者后,各种网络谣言、骗局和流言飞语不断涌现。她在网上法庭上遭到了审判,并被指控绑架了自己的女儿。

Tara McDonald was a modern woman. After Tori went missing, she relied on social media for emotional support and any clues that may lead to the whereabouts of her child. But her admission of being a drug addict has fueled cyber rumours, hoaxes and dubious claims. She was tried in online courtrooms, being accused as the abductor of her own child. 

一些网民甚至连Tori 只有11岁大的哥哥也不放过,对他也作出了许多残忍和低俗的评论。

The bloggers even would not let go of Tori’s 11 year old brother, making the cruelest and awful comments about him.


Cecilia’s parents were also attacked by online assaults after her daughter went missing.  Attackers spread various rumours about them and their tenants, accusing their character flaws and moral failings. 


The bloggers who enthusiastically embrace the hidden internet to spout their rude and repulsive thoughts against the most vulnerable people at the time -- when they are desperate for support from others, are the most conscienceless and uncompassionate human beings in the world. What type of people would exploit victims’ sad plight for their own fun and pleasure?

从某种意义上说,Hailey的母亲堪称幸运。在Hailey遇害后警方很快就锁定了22岁嫌犯Derek James Saretzky,警方的快速行动令Hailey的母亲躲过了一场网络攻击。

In a sense, Hailey’s mother is lucky. The police quickly identified the 22 year-old suspect Derek James Saretzky in Hailey’s murder, which might have spared Hailey’s mother from the online onslaught. 




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