
高危火车穿街过巷 政府为何遮遮掩掩

Why government so secretive on hazardous materials transported through communities
来源: Bob Mok
加国穿街过巷的高危火车所运送的危险物品的种类及数量信息从未公诸于众。Bob Mok在他的专栏文章中揭示了政府对此遮遮掩掩的原因,并披露了可能会在不久的将来引发灾难性事故的油罐车设计缺陷。
Information on the nature and volume of dangerous goods and hazardous materials transported through communities has not been made to the public. Bob Mok article sheds light on the reasons behind the government secrecy. It also reveals the design flaws of the tank cars that may lead to catastrophic disaster in the near future. 
For an earlier article on this series, go to http://096.ca/news/624347
The quarterly reports from the major railway companies on the nature and volume of dangerous goods that passed through our communities are not released to the public. The statistics are also out-of-date as only the aggregate yearly information from the previous year is given. 


I can surmise that there are only two logical conclusions as to why this information is not divulged to the public:


1) Revelation of the actual percentages of such dangerous and hazardous goods transported may cause panic in some communities (if they have a consistently higher percentage than others). People may want to move away from there and others will not want to move there.


With only an average figure of 10% of dangerous and hazardous cargo being transported in Canada as given by CN, we can never ascertain how many communities are within a high range of percentages. In other words, the 10% figure given by officials is meaningless. There may well be some communities with 50% or more railway cars carrying dangerous and hazardous cargo passing through on a regular basis. How would you like to live in one of those communities? This is like sitting next to a ticking time bomb!

2) If information is provided in real time as to the nature and volume of these hazardous materials being transported, terrorists may be attracted to target such shipments.

If anyone wants to identify the dangerous cargo carried on any train, all they have to do is to check the identification number stencilled on the railway cars, then go to the internet and check on a table that will show what material is being carried!” How difficult would it be for someone with a pair of binoculars and a writing pad to record and decipher this from a vintage point watching a train as it comes by and slows down over a railway crossing?  

Design flaws may lead to catastrophic disaster

另一个令人担忧的安全问题是,易燃易爆原油(识别号#1267)多是由设计不当的老旧DOT-111型油罐车 (美国) 或 CTC-111A 型油罐车(加拿大)运送。目前这些未经加压处理的油罐车仍在加美各地穿行,数量多达30万辆。截至2013年,在加美两国所使用的油罐车中DOT-111型油罐车所占比例分别高达80%和69%。

Another safety issue is the transporting of exceptionally explosive crude oil (Identity#1267) in outdated, unsuitable DOT-111 (USA) or CTC-111A (Canada) tanker cars. These are non-pressurized rail tank cars and there are 300,000 in use. As of 2013, up to 80% of the Canadian fleet and 69% of U.S. rail tank cars were DOT-111 type. 


During a number of accident investigations over a period of years, the U.S. National Transportation Safety board (NTSB) has noted that DOT-111 tank cars have a high incidence of tank failures during accidents. The NTSB has deemed the DOT-111 design "inadequate", noting they are "subject to damage and catastrophic loss of hazardous materials.” 

What makes these tank cars so unsafe?

1. They have relatively thin skins. Upon derailment, the tanks quite often rupture causing massive spills and explosions.
2. There are no head shields. Shields at both ends of the tank car would help prevent puncturing from collisions with adjacent rail cars.
3. There are not enough protection for fittings and valves. Tank cars have fittings and valves that have just a thin shield around them. Quite often in derailments, these fittings and valves are sheared off.

4. No Pressure Relief Devices to prevent BLEVEs. (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion)


New design standards were developed and implemented in 2011. The new standards only apply to newly manufactured cars; there is no requirement to retrofit, repurpose, or retire existing DOT-111A cars built to the older design.


In the next article, we will summarize our research on the transportation of dangerous and hazardous goods on railway trains travelling through our towns and city. 




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