
华裔小留之父: 我不该让他西漂

I shouldn’t let my son go abroad: parent
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

In the 1980s, as many rich parents in East Asian countries -- Taiwan Hong Kong and South Korea sent their children to Western countries to pursue academic careers without their parents’ accompany, a term “parachute kids” was created. 


The same tidal wave has swept through China three decades later, as scores of Chinese students are pouring into Western countries to study – the phenomenon that is now dubbed Westward drift. Last year, according to media report, 73,000 international students enrolled in U.S. high schools. A large percentage of those students reside in Southern California, with Chinese nationals accounting for 32.3 percent of the population.


But children who are parachuted to a foreign country face a slew of challenges as they make transitions in the lives of an adopted country.  Lacking close parental guidance, many suffer a rough landing, and displaying unchecked behaviors. In some extreme cases, they get involved in crimes that leave their parents devastated and heart broken.


In Feb. 17, three 19 year-old Chinese students who attended high school in Southern California, were sentenced for 16, 10,and 6 years to prison respectively in connection with assault and kidnapping on a fellow student, a 16-year old girl.

据媒体报道,案发时三名被告将受害女生带到Rowland Heights Country公园,然后脱光她的衣服,对她进行各种凌辱并施以拳打脚踢,更令人发指的是,她们还逼迫受害人吃掉自己的头发。受害人在上庭作证时称,被告用高跟鞋踢她,扇她耳光,并用烟头烫她。依照美国联邦法律,三名被告刑满后将被驱逐回中国,并终身禁入美国。

According to media reports, the three accused took the girl to Rowland Heights Country Park, where she was stripped naked, spat upon, kicked, punched and beaten. She was also forced to eat her hair. The victim testified in court that she was kicked with high-heeled shoes, slapped and burned with cigarettes. Under federal law, they will be extradited to China after serving their sentences and be banned from returning into the US.


The high profile case has sparked heated reactions from Chinese social media and put the “parachute kids” or “westward drifters” culture under scrutiny. Many people say that the verdicts were good decisions and the kids, who are second generation rich kids, deserve the harsh punishments.  


In an interview with the Times, one of the student’ father, Mr. Zhang Fan said that he knew little about his son’s wellbeing after sending his son to the US. Apparently, his son’s verdict has left him in shock.


According to Mr. Zhang Fan, his son lacked English proficiency and hadn’t been doing well at schools in China.  One of his classmates got a US visa and invited him to come along. With very limited information about the education system in the US, he was advised by an agent to get his son enrolled in a catholic school. Unlike the rigorous, high pressured education system in China, US schools are more relaxed and provide more opportunities to help him learn English quickly, said the agent.


But things were nowhere near as good as described after his son arrived in US. His English wasn’t good enough to catch up with the regular class. He hung out with Chinese friends exclusively and his English saw little improvement. The financial responsibilities, language barriers, and more importantly the absent of close parents’ guidance have left him veering off on a dangerous life trajectory. 


Zhang says it was a big mistake for him to send his son abroad. Chinese people tend to fall into line with majority. They tend to achieve every goal in their lives in a great leap forward pace, says Zhang as he was torn by regrets.


“There was the industrial leap forward, cultural leap forward, salary raise leap forward, housing leap forward… Now there is a great leap forward in sending kids overseas, but it is time we took a step back.”




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