

Trump’s victory embraced by strongman supporters
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, Donald Trump defeated Clinton to become the next president of the United States. International stock markets plunged as Trump declared the victory, with investors across the world worrying about economic consequences of Trump presidency. 


Apart from the economic concerns, many are also terrified by Trump’s style of leadership, his autocratic personality and strong favors to the global dictators revealed during the election campaign. 


Throughout his campaign, Trump showed little interest in rule of law and no respect for US Constitutions.  He had talked about forced deportation of millions of people and building the Great Wall of Trump, both of which evoke images of totalitarian states.


Taking a tough stance against Muslims, Trump promised to institute surveillance on Mosques, ban Muslims, use the families of terrorist suspects to extract information, reinstitute waterboarding and much worse. In a presidential debate, Trump said he would order the military to torture and they would follow his orders, with possibilities to “chop off heads”. 

Just like any strongman in power, Trump is obsessed with police authority and his intention to let them take off the gloves has gone all the way back to the 1980s. He declared to start his mass deportation machine soon after he occupies the Whitehouse. “We are going to get rid of the criminals and it’s going to happen within one hour after I take office,” he said.


Trump has made a string of compliments to the global strongmen – from Kim Jong Un in North Korea to Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein, expressing his respect to the totalitarianism and hardline policies. 


Donald Trump has a lot of supporters from the Chinese community. Accusing Hilary Clinton is a big liar, they believe Trump is a better candidate for US president. His dictatorship style has particularly appealed to those who are deeply dissatisfied over American democracy system and aggressively embrace the strongmen leadership. 


Posts to express their feelings have flooded Chinese social media WeChat as Trump camp gained momentum during the campaign:


“The American democratic system is bleeding now, while China gains in strength.”


“Chaotic US election means democracy doesn’t work!”


“China is rising and American falling!”


The like minded posters have a strong faith in single party rule and an authoritarian regime, believing that a powerful chief is essential for a national success. They get used to putting up with dictators’ tyranny, tolerating bullying and abuse of power. 


“Strong central leadership as well as a pioneering figure is especially critical for a rising world power,” the Global Times in China said recently, reporting on an online poll that, it said, showed broad support for the strongmen leadership.


The growing support for strongmen rule has put to the test of US democracy that has remained relative infants in history of human governance. The election result may put a smile on the face of strongmen leaders, but sadden freedom fighters and democracy supporters.




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