

Who is going to build a new casino, Ajax or Pickering?
来源: Bob Mok

In May, 2013 Markham Council voted 9-4 against any work or public consultation on a bid for a casino as part of a major convention, entertainment and hotel complex. Markham effectively closed the doors on (Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation) OLG's bid to expand gaming in the GTA after Toronto rejected the idea for its waterfront and at Woodbine racetrack in northern Etobicoke. That move by Markham left two other neighbouring municipalities to fight for hosting the gambling facility.

阿贾克斯市长帕里斯相信,将该市现有的,只经营老虎机的Ajex Downs小赌场如果改造成带有赌台的大型赌场,这将吸引人们来投资大型娱乐综合项目。阿贾克斯每年从经营老虎机中获得640万元的收入,预计在赌场扩大后,费用收入将上涨到950万到1230万。相比之下,皮克林市则想办法在Apostolopoulos家族拥有的,位于401高速公路旁200多英亩的土地上兴建一个带赌场、起名为“达勒姆生活”的大型综合项目。

Ajax Mayor Steve Parish was convinced a casino with table games, to replace slots at Ajax Downs, will trigger construction of an entertainment complex there. Ajax earned an average of $6.4 million per year from hosting fees for the slots at Ajax Downs, and expects those fees to jump to $9.5 million to $12.3 million after the casino expansion. Pickering was pushing hard to host the casino on a piece of land with more than 200 acres  next to Highway 401 owned by the Apostolopoulos family, as part of a proposed mega-complex called Durham Live.

由于两个城市中只能有一家开大型赌场综合项目,阿贾克斯镇和皮克林市都在设法拿到这个有利可图的项目。 2015年,阿贾克斯镇政府批准Ajax Down土地拥有者的申请,允许业主将目前赌场改建成为最多可容纳200个赌桌、2500个老虎机的赌场。扩建后老虎机的数目是目前800个老虎机的三倍。目前,想让皮克林市赌场、娱乐综合项目“达勒姆生活”上马的人正在上诉,要求停止Ajax Down赌场的扩建。与此同时,阿贾克斯镇也向安大略省市政土地管理委员会(OMB)上诉,要求驳回皮克林市就赌场、娱乐综合项目“达勒姆生活”土地重新规划的申请。2017年7月,OMB批准了皮克林市的土地重新规划的申请。

Since only one of the contestants will be successful, both the town of Ajax and the city of Pickering fought hard to get the opportunity to host this profitable venture. In 2015, Ajax Town Council approved an application from Ajax Downs' property owners to rezone the site for an expanded casino with up to 200 live-table games and 2,500 slot machines, triple the current 800 ones. But that move was appealed by proponents of Durham Live, the casino and entertainment complex in Pickering. The City of Pickering's approval of a rezoning application for Durham Live was also appealed by the Town of Ajax to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). In July 2017, the OMB approved the city of Pickering's plans.

皮克林市的“达勒姆生活”综合项目包括3个酒店,一个喜剧表演艺术中心,多个电影院,一个餐厅广场,一个水上乐园和一个电影制片厂。皮克林市市长瑞恩(Dave Ryan)说,该项目不只是建一个赌场,它创造就业和吸引游客,这将有利于整个地区的发展。预计这项发展将创造7,500到12,000个工作岗位,并每年给市政带来5000万的税收。包括我自己在内的很多人都认为这就是一个赌场,因为它是整个项目的核心。

The proposed development “Durham Live” in Pickering includes 3 hotels, a performing arts centre, cinemas, a restaurant plaza, a water park and a film studio. “This isn’t just about a casino, it’s about a range of employment and tourism opportunities in an entertainment node that will benefit all of the region,” Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan says. The development is expected to create between 7,500 and 12,000 direct jobs and generate annual municipal taxes of about $50 million. Many,including myself believe that the whole development is about a casino since it is the crown jewel of the entire complex.

如果“达勒姆生活”上马,皮克林市成为东岸拉斯维加斯的梦想就可能成真,周围的城镇无疑也会受到影响。省府规定,皮克林市,阿克斯镇和韦比市只能开一家赌场。如果在皮克林开设赌场,Ajax Downs赌场将被关闭。当地居民总是担心开赌场所带来的交通,犯罪,贩毒,卖淫和贩卖人口的社会问题。

With Durham Live, Pickering wants to become Las Vegas East. The surrounding cities and towns will undoubtedly be affected. Under provincial rules, there can be only one gaming facility in Pickering, Ajax and Whitby. If a casino opens in Pickering, the Ajax slots at Ajax Downs will be closed. Residents will always have concerns about traffic, potential crime, drugs, prostitution, human trafficking and social issues associated with casino.

2017年8月,OLG决定由加拿大大博彩公司(GCG)和Brookfield Business Partners LP在大多伦多地区经营赌场。根据协议,GCG和Brookfield要收购Woodbine和Ajax Downs的OLG老虎机以及位于Scugog Island First Nation的Great Blue Heron赌场。 GCG可以保留Ajax Downs赌场设施,可以扩建,将赌场搬到皮克林市或另有打算。任何赌场搬迁计划都必须得到当地市政府,OLG和省政府的批准。在哪里建赌场的决定不久就会做出,皮克林市目前似乎占上风。

In August, 2017 OLG selected Great Canadian Gaming Corp (GCG). and Brookfield Business Partners LP to run its casinos in the Greater Toronto Area. Under the deal, GCG and Brookfield would acquire OLG Slots at Woodbine, OLG Slots at Ajax Downs and the Great Blue Heron Casino located on Scugog Island First Nation lands. GCG could keep the Ajax Downs facility as it currently exists, expand it, move the site to Pickering or choose another option. Any relocation plan must be approved by the relevant municipality, the OLG and the provincial government. A decision will come soon and Pickering seems to have the inside track at present.


Last year, Pickering also took part in Toronto's bid to locate Amazon's Headquarter 2 (HQ2) complex to the area. The building of the Pickering Airport was proposed by the Pickering City Council during the preparation of their bid. It was announced this month that the Toronto bid is the only Canadian entry left on the list of finalists. It is possible that the building of the airport can become a catalyst that will facilitate both of the Amazon HQ2 and Durham Live casino projects.

如果“达勒姆生活”项目上马,拉玛赌场和尼亚加拉瀑布赌场的收入都会受到影响。 大多伦多居民将在家门口赌博和消遣。抢赌客的竞争将非常激烈。一些赌场将可能第一次出现赔钱的问题!

If the Durham Live project comes to fruition, then revenues at Casino Rama and Niagara Falls casinos may both be affected. GTA residents will have a closer destination to spend their gaming and entertainment dollars as well. The competition for gaming clients will be fierce. For the first time, some casino operators may become losers!




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