

Who has “Hidden Agenda”, Liberals or Conservatives?
来源: Bob Mok

When the Federal Conservative under Stephen Harper first came to power, the Liberal's campaign slogan was that Stephen had a “Hidden Agenda”. Stephen claimed that he had none and it was proven correct over the ensuing decade.


Both the Federal and Provincial Liberals are very skillful when it comes to stealing the New Democratic Party (NDP) platforms and adopting them as their own. Over the years, the Liberals drifted to the left of the political spectrum and their policies are very similar to those of the NDP.


This is exactly why Justin Trudeau would like to see the “ranked balloting system” for Federal elections and dropped his election promise when the majority of the members on the Parliamentary Special committee on Electoral Reform preferred the “proportional representation system”.
目前的联邦自由党政府从一开始就把工作重点放在了性别平等问题上。从上台的那一天开始,特鲁多就决定让一半的妇女担任内阁部长。 2018年的联邦预算很多地方强调性别平等,特别是努力增加妇女加入劳动大军。

The current Federal Liberal government has been focusing on gender equality from the start, mandating itself with half the cabinet minister positions filled by women right from the day it took power. The 2018 Federal budget puts a large emphasis on gender equality, particularly with efforts to increase the participation of women in the workforce.


Finance Minister Morneau said this before the budget was tabled: “We know that the way to best impact our long-term demographics is to get every Canadian with a real and fair chance not only work, but to have really good work, and we start with women”. The catch words here are “demographics” and “start”.  Starting with women, the government will include other groups to be prioritized and given advantages to secure their places in the work force – not on merits of their own, but on regulations and benefits directed and bestowed to them.
这只不过是当初李博时代的安省新民主党政府不可告人的政治目标的第一步(1990年至1995年)的翻版。 李博的新民主党政府于1991年成立了一个就业平等委员会,两年后又推行了平权措施,以改善在政府部门工作的妇女,非白人,原住民和残疾人的人数。该措施日后要在私营企业和机构里执行。

This is but a first step in the implementation of a hidden agenda adopted from the NDP Ontario provincial government during the Bob Rae government era (1990 t0 1995). The Rae government established an employment equity commission in 1991, and two years later introduced affirmative action to improve the numbers of women, non-whites, aboriginals and disabled persons working in the public sector. The plan was to extend the requirements to the private sector in a certain period of time.


Simply put, it was the “Utopian distribution of job positions through demographic representation”. Under this scheme, each organization must identify job groups encompassing jobs of similar category.  Within the job group, job holders will eventually be aligned proportionally with the demographics in terms of gender, visible minorities, aboriginals, and disabled persons. The writer was part of a task force within a major heavy industry manufacturer organization working on preparations to comply with this impending NDP legislation at the time.

If I remember correctly, the idea is to have the government itself taking the lead, followed by businesses that were contractors to the government. After that, those businesses with 250 employees or more. Finally, it will be applicable to all businesses in 5 years.


The rules may seem easy but it is actually very convoluted. The numbers are to be tallied based on self-identification. For example, a visible minority person is not counted if the individual insists that he/she is not a visible minority. Further more, an individual may fill multiple counts if he/she fits into different categories at the same time. A female who is also an aboriginal will be counted under 2 categories, encouraging the business to hire her to fill multiple quotas.


 “Quotas” is the key word here! Businesses will start giving preferences to certain individuals to make the composition of some job groups closely representing the demographics. In doing so, the proper experience and other attributes necessary for the position will be pushed aside thus eliminating other more suitable candidates. 


Interesting enough, the rules will not apply to the elected members of Provincial Parliament. When asked if some male members of Provincial Parliament will give up their seats for female colleagues if less than half the caucus elected is female, the answer is an affirmative “No”. This fits the Chinese proverb: “Officials can commit arson while common people are not allow to light candles”.


Next time, I will recount my experience in dealing with that hidden agenda then and the probable directions of the Federal government's program in future.





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