
安省Markham-Unionville选区保守党提名候选人蒋嘉勤回答大中报的提问 4-24

Charles Jiang, Ontario PC nomination candidate answers questions from Chinese News
来源: Bob Mok


Last Saturday, we introduced one of the 4 declared Chinese nominees (Billy Pang) for the up coming Markham-Unionville Ontario PC Party nomination on April 29, 2018. We are now presenting another nominee Charles Jiang. The other two Chinese nominees Joe Li ( 李国贤 ) and Kai Tao (陶佳才)did not respond to our requests .

Q:Why do you want to be a Provincial Member of Parliament (MPP)?

答:我参加竞选是为了给Markham-Unionville选区的百姓一个响亮而清晰的声音。过去两年来,我把全部时间和精力投入到社区并了解如何更好地为人民服务。 Markham-Unionville选区的人们感到该选区的现任省自由党议员没有代表他们的利益,他们需要这个新选区有一个反应该选区人口面貌的省议员。这个选区的选民都是受过高等教育的,辛勤工作的专业人士和企业家,他们的社会价值观和对经济的看法与福特和安省保守党的执政纲领一致。他们对韦恩用纳税人的钱购买选票,对高涨的水电费,没有任何作用的碳税和毫无道德底线不屑一顾。作为一名社区领袖,工程师和企业家,我知道该选区的那些辛辛苦苦为生活奔波的选民正在寻找一位能够把该选区变成加拿大高科技之乡的省议员。我就是他们所需要的那种人。

A:I am running to give the people of Markham-Unionville a loud and clear voice. I have been working full time for over two years to learn about the community intimately and find out how best to serve the people. The people of Markham-Unionville feel misrepresented by the incumbent Liberal MPP and need a representative who truly reflects the demographics of the newly formed riding. The people in our riding are highly-educated, hardworking professionals and entrepreneurs whose social values and fiscal views align with Doug Ford and the PC platform. They’re fed up with Kathleen Wynne using taxpayer money to buy votes, as well as sky-high hydro bills, useless carbon taxes, and ethical shortcomings. As a community leader, engineer, and entrepreneur, I know the hardworking people of Markham-Unionville are looking for a leader who can truly turn it into the High-Tech Capital of Canada. I will be the representative that they need.
Q: Can you tell us why do you think you qualify as a (MPP)?


A:I am a representative of the greater Chinese community, as well as a community leader who is well connected with all the diverse demographics of Markham-Unionville. In my last 17 years as a financial services provider, I have interacted with many hardworking families from all demographics and all walks of life, and I’ve seen how they’ve been affected by government policies – they work harder for less. As MPP, you cannot rely solely on one demographic’s support if you wish to have any impact on Queen’s park politics; I have support from the White, South Asian, Greek, Coptic, Black, Filipino communities, in addition to my own Chinese community.
我是渔人村中国文化中心的创始人和主席。我还担任了Markham-Unionville选区保守派选区协会的主席和Markham-Unionville保守党选区协会的副主席。我是约克区警民关系第五社区联络委员会的主要成员之一,并带头与第五区Fred Moffatt警员一起重新启动了居民联防项目。自从我更多地参与政治后,我积极支持补选中所有持保守派价值观的候选人(请访问我的网站:http://charlesjiang.ca/index.php/about/了解详情)。我的对手在参与政治的程度上和与Markham-Unionville选区中多元文化的关系上都不如我。

I am the founder and chair of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Unionville, and I also served as President of the Markham-Unionville Conservative Electoral District Association and the Vice President of the Markham-Unionville PC EDA. I am a key member of the District #5 District Community Liaison Committee of the YRP and I spearheaded the movement to relaunch the Neighbourhood Watch program with District #5 Superintendent Fred Moffatt. I actively supported all the conservative valued candidates in their by-elections since I became more actively involved in politics (full info on my website:http://charlesjiang.ca/index.php/about/). None of my opponents can match my level of political involvement or my connections to the diverse communities of Markham-Unionville.
Q: If elected, what are your major local issues at Queen's Park?


A:When I am elected to Queen’s Park, I will prioritize lowering taxes, neighbourhood safety, marijuana regulation, and job creation. Together with Doug Ford, we will bring investment and businesses back to Ontario; we will make it affordable to live in Ontario and allow the hardworking taxpayers to have the opportunity to prosper without the government trying to milk them for their money. With my background in Silicon Valley, manufacturing, and engineering, I am uniquely able and prepared to personally work towards turning Markham into the true High-Tech Capital of Canada. Furthermore, given my active role with the YRP and the District 5 DCLC, I will work closely with the key stakeholders in Markham and keep our neighbourhoods and children safe from criminals and drugs.
Q:Can you tell us your views on the so-called “Heritage Votes”?

A:While it is understandable that people will want to vote for their own, I believe strongly that the MPP must represent the entire community. That is why I have gathered endorsements from diverse demographics and am committed to being a voice for all.
Q:Have you, or will you get any endorsements from existing or past MPP, MP, Municipal Politicians, or others?


A:My website has an extensive list of endorsements from business and community leaders, from all different communities (http://charlesjiang.ca/index.php/endorsements/). Members of the community are always willing to support my campaign because they know I’m the best candidate for the job. Sitting MPs and MPPs are not allowed to endorse nomination candidates, but my involvement with the by-elections of many conservative politicians has made me very well connected with party stakeholders.

蒋嘉勤是一个专注家庭的人,也是一个企业家和活跃的社区领袖。蒋嘉勤在距上海西南面100公里的一个小村庄长大。 蒋嘉勤在中国和美国上过大学,是一名在硅谷工作过的有经验的工程师。

Charles Jiang is a dedicated family person, an entrepreneur, and an active community leader. Charles grew up in a small village, 100 km southwest of Shanghai. Charles attended university in China and the USA, and is an experienced engineer who worked in Silicon Valley.


Since moving to the GTA in May 2000, Charles settled down in Markham with his wife and raised two kids in the High-Tech Capital of Canada. Besides his financial services business, Charles has been very active in his community involvement, including founding the Chinese Cultural Centre of Unionville.





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