
移民天堂的多伦多不会哭泣 4-27

After horrific van attack, Toronto continues to be an immigration paradise
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


The senseless pedestrian mascara on Monday afternoon that killed 10 and injured 15 has sent Toronto mourning along with waves of shock throughout this peaceful and diverse city. The attack has also shaken the immigrant community to its core, creating an atmosphere of terror among those who have immigrated to the city to rebuild life.

The tragedy has apparent multiple links to the immigrant communities.

袭击发生所在地,央街北部这段街道是移民社区的聚集地带。繁忙而热闹的人行道旁布满了各种族裔特色的店铺,天宝旅游,华人时装店和韩国餐馆等星罗棋布,栉比鳞次。街道边的公寓高楼上也住满了那些热衷购置房地产的华裔人士。不幸遇难者中许多都是来自世界各地的多伦多移民,从斯里兰卡,南韩到伊朗等族裔人士。一段显示一位眼睁睁地看着急救车将亲人送往医院的亚裔老人的视频,让人们不难推断在那个美丽而血腥的下午,徘徊于这 条街道上的人士中包括了许多像你我这样的亚裔移民们。

The northen stretch of Yonge street where the deadly attack happened is a heavily concentrated newcomers’ community. The busy bustling road is dotted with businesses like Tianbao Travel, Chinese boutique shops and Korean restaurants, and flanked by condo towers occupied by real estate fanatics from the ethnic communities. Many victims are the newcomers in the city, who’ve come to Toronto from all over the world – from Sri Lanka To South Korea to Iran. A TV footage showing a visibly shaken Asian senior watching his loved ones taken away by ambulance leads us to believe that among the many who were strolling down the street on that fateful beautiful afternoon were immigrants just like you and me.

惨案嫌犯就住在烈治文山,这个大量移民群居社区,且就读于吸引了大量国际学生的Seneca 学院。

The suspect lives in Richmond Hill, another immigrant centred neighbourhood and studied at Seneca – a school that has drawn a large number of international students.


Fear and panic set in as graphic photos and gruesome videos depicting the crime scene have clogged up social media feeds, putting people on edge and fueling a frantic sentiment that led to unsubstantiated accusations and blames. 


 “I saw this coming after the attacks in other foreign countries. The Liberal government’s refugee policy is the hotbed for terrorism actions like this, creating one incident after another – from Quebec church shooting to Monday’s massacre.”

显然,这些愤怒的张贴者们结论下得过早。这起只需要区区30元租车费的袭击与所谓的恐怖袭击没有任何明显的联系, 且很可能是一名伺机发泄心中某种不满情绪者的擅自行动。周二早晨,特鲁多总理发表声明表示,袭击与恐怖主义无关,并强调该袭击不会对国家安全造成任何影响。

However, it seems that these agitated posters have jumped the gun. The attack – that only takes a cheap $30 rental car to carry out, has no apparent link to terrorism, and most likely an action of a lone wolf who holds a grudge of some kind. In an early morning statement on Tuesday, PM Trudeau confirmed that there is no apparent link of the attack to terrorism, adding there is no evidence to suggest there is a “national security element” to the situation.


Other posts take it even further to assume the incident would decrease the value of a beleaguered housing market in the city. “Such an attack would make the city less likely to draw foreign investments. What happened on Monday afternoon would affect the image of Toronto perceived as a safe investment haven internationally.


Don’t let anxiety scrambled thoughts overtake our rational thinking. The Economist’s Safe Cities Index last year ranked Toronto the fourth safest city in the world, beating most of the cities in North America and Europe. Toronto has been proudly enjoying this bragging right for decades, and it won’t be taken away by some coward’s efforts of copycat assailant.

袭击发生后,我们应保持清醒头脑,切忌一时冲动,失去理智。多伦多警官Const. Ken Lam给我们树立了好的榜样。他在不发一枪的情况下将嫌犯逮捕, 其冷静和果敢让世人称道。还有那些奋不顾身,冲进现场的急救人员以及那些凭借本能向受难者伸出援助之手的旁观者们,都让多伦多市民们敬畏不已。

In the heat of the moment, we need to remain calm and stay level-headed, just like the police officer Const. Ken Lam did. His reserved arrest of the suspect has earned praise worldwide, along with the first responders who bravely rushed to save lives and by-standers who instantly jumped to offer any help in need. It has left us as Torontonians in awe. 


This vibrant newcomers’ enclave on Toronto’s most prominent street will recover from the trauma, showing its remarkable resilience in healing and rebuilding. Us as immigrants, who make up one fifths of Toronto population, will pull together, showing our perseverance, tolerance and our determination that we will not succumb to fear. We will not allow the attack to erode our confidence on this most beautiful and harmonic city in the world, nor we will allow silence and segregation to engulf this immigration paradise we call home. Our diverse community will recuperate, grow and thrive as Canada continues to embrace refugees in crisis and to adopt immigration policies which have drawn and protected us in the first place. 




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