
选人还是选党:柯文彬和高雪莉Don Valley North的激烈角逐战

Don Valley North voters face a painful choice
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Don Valley North选区安省保守党候选人柯文彬(Vincent Ke,左)、自由党候选人高雪莉(Shelley Carroll)。

Don Valley North是一华人聚集的选区,在2015联邦选举中,该选区的政治新秀谭耕脱颖而出。因此当另一名华裔政坛新星柯文彬出现于该选区时,很多选民未感到意外。柯以呼声高涨的保守党候选人身份在即将到来的省选中参选省议员。但是当高雪莉宣布她作为自由党候选人与柯竞争该选区的省议员席位时,一场激烈角逐战立即在该选区拉开帷幕,也使该选区的选民们陷入选人还是选党的两难选择。

Don Valley North is a riding which is concentrated with a Chinese Canadian population that elected Tang Geng as MP in 2015. It wouldn’t be any surprise to see Vincent Ke, another Chinese Canadian rookie star become the MPP candidate for the hot PC party in the upcoming provincial election. But the announcement of Shelley Carroll as the Liberal candidate has turned the riding into a tough battlefield, leaving voters to face a painful choice of voting for a party or a candidate. 


The odds appear not in favor for a liberal candidate as the Wynn’s government suffers plummeting popularity while the PC is poised to form a majority government. The voice for change echoes particularly louder in this suburban riding, a home to many Chinese immigrants.  They are fed up with the scandal plagued liberals that has put public finance into disrepair and left residents facing soaring hydro bills.

许多新移民,特别是那些富裕而有经济实力的移民们大多在社会和经济立场上持有保守观念。 他们希望政府削减浪费,减少支出,平和预算。他们信奉勤俭持家原则,支持福特,并与福特兄弟砍掉肥缺的主张一拍即合。

Many newcomers hold socially and economically conservative attitudes, particularly among those affluent and well-established immigrants. They expect the government to reduce waste, cut spending and balance the books. Embracing the value of frugality, they support Doug Ford and resonate with his slogan of stopping the gravy train.


Voter are very likely to vote by the party.  Statistics show that in general, Canadians are voting along party lines, with little regard to the name and actions of a local candidate. The actions of party leaders have a strong impact on the fate of the party candidates. Despite the rookie status of Ke who has just started out on his political career path, he could well ride on the anti-liberal wave into Queens Park.

但在这一选党的大趋势之余,仍有30%的选举中,候选人的个人背景和履历成为选民们的关注焦点。在两名候选人的个人经历,资历和才能极为悬殊的情况下,选民们会放弃政党倾向而将选票投给他们最喜欢及信赖的人。Don Valley North的选民们是否会做出类似选择?

But apart from this overwhelming trend, there are still 30 percent of local election campaigns that focus on individual candidate’s record or actions. In circumstances including a significant gap shown between two opposing candidates’ expertise, experiences and credentials, voters may disregard the party’s affiliation and elect the candidate they like and trust the most. Could Don Valley North voters be amongst them?

该选区自由党候选人高雪莉在她所服务的5万7千名市政选民中享有甚高威望。她担任Don Valley North所涵盖的33市政选区的代表长达13年之久。她曾任多伦多教育局教育委员,2006年被Miller市长委任为市政财务总监。她在同僚和政党领袖中也深得信赖和赏识。

Shelley Carroll, the Liberal candidate for the riding, is a veteran politician who enjoys great popularity among her 57,000 constituents in her municipal ward. Serving as a city councillor for ward 33 encompassed by Don Valley North for over a decade, Carroll was previously a Toronto District School Board trustee and was tapped as Miller’s budget chief in 2006. She is highly respectable and well regarded by her colleagues and political leaders. 

作为她所管辖的市政区域内的一名居民,我非常钦佩高雪莉致力于选民的热情和努力。她不遗余力为居民提供帮助的事件仍让我记忆犹新。2011年我家地库发大水,在联系了311后被告知由于暴雨袭击大批家庭需要服务,因而等待时间将会很长。在我联系了高雪莉办公室后,未经过繁缛和错综官僚程序,一名市政技术人员几个小时内赶到我家,对问题及时做出诊断并提供有效建议。 我相信,如果高雪莉在选举中胜出,更多居民会从她所提供的帮助中受益。

As a resident in her ward, I am particularly impressed with Carroll’s commitment in serving her constituents. Her efforts in helping out residents in crisis are still vivid in my memories. In 2011, when my basement got flooded, I contacted her office after 311 calls told me there would be a long wait due to the storm. Without going through a complicated and lengthy bureaucratic process, a city technician arrived at my home within hours, diagnosing the problem and providing effective advices. I am sure if Carroll wins the election, more constitutes would benefit from her assistance.  


As the election battle heats up, more doors are being knocked and flyers are distributed by both Ke and Shelley’s campaign groups. Many of my neighbours say they look forward to a PC victory, but they also want Carroll to be their representative. As a result, signs from both candidates are erupted on their front lawn and back yard fence, reflecting a tough dilemma they face as they choose their next MPP.




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