王州迪作证惊爆:特鲁多干涉司法 只为赢得大选
Wilson Raybould testimony sparks waves of calls for Trudeau’s resignation
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

本周三, 加国前司法部长王州迪在众议院立法委员会上作证,惊爆特鲁多政府就SNC事宜向其反复施压。据王州迪证词,特鲁多总理和其高级幕僚大肆践踏司法至上的民主原则,为政党之利益多次督促她以检察总长身份干涉对SNC的刑事起诉。当她拒绝了这一干涉司法的要求后, 又对她进行各种威胁,而拒不低头的她,之后又被撤销了司法部长一职。
On Wednesday, Jody Wilson Raybould delivered a shocking testimony over the relentless pressure Trudeau government exerted on her, as she testified before the House Judiciary committee over SNC Lavalin affair. According to Wilson Raybould, the Prime Minister and his most senior advisers gravely undermined the rule of law when they repeatedly urged her as attorney-general to interfere in the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin for partisan political reasons. To have then threatened her when she refused, and to have removed her from her portfolio when she would not bow to those threats.

王州迪在本周三表示: “在2018年9月到12月间,我遭到联邦政府众多人士反复不断的骚扰,要求担任检察总长的我行使特殊权利进行政治干预,企图让SNC-Lavalin免遭刑事起诉。这些施压甚至暗带着威胁,如果我不改变主张的话。”
“For a period of approximately four months, between September and December of 2018, I experienced a consistent and sustained effort by many people within the government to seek to politically interfere in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in my role of Attorney General of Canada, in an inappropriate effort to secure a prosecution agreement with SNC-Lavalin,” she said Wednesday. “The alleged pressure includes “veiled threat” if she did not change her mind.
那些不断骚扰,向她反复施压的人包括特鲁多,其高级顾问,甚至财政部长Bill Morneau。王州迪称,他们的目的就是让这家全球拥有5万2千、加国内拥有9000个工作机会的建筑巨头与检察官达成私下和解,免于刑事起诉。
Those who made “the consistent and sustained efforts” included Mr. Trudeau, his senior advisers, and even Finance Minister Bill Morneau, according to Wilson Raybould. They were deliberately seeking a private settlement for the flagship company – with 52,000 jobs globally and 9000 in Canada.

At the height of the scandal, many Liberal supporters still believe that the abuses were out of the Liberal government’s concerns over national interest and their intention to save jobs and pensions at the company. However, the campaign of pressure, intimidation, and threats described by Wilson Raybould were motivated by Liberals’ desperate desire – to win the upcoming federal election.
She cited four occasions on which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or senior aides—even Canada’s top civil servant—brought up a forthcoming election (Quebec’s or their own) during a discussion of a potential deferred prosecution agreement for SNC-Lavalin. The prime minister even reminded Wilson-Raybould that he was an “MP from Quebec — the member from Papineau.”
The Liberal’s power abuses have revealed that when a party’s interest is on the line, the Canadian constitution, judiciary independence or democracy can go out the window. It ruins the image Ottawa has pledged through Mengs’s case -- that Canada judiciary system is free from political interference, turning his rule of law claim into hypocrisy.

Wilson Raybould’s testimony sparks a wave of calls for Trudeau’s resignation. Opposition leader Andrew Scheer declared that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has lost the moral authority to govern and must immediately step down.
”A prime minister who has been accused of such abuses by his former attorney-general should no longer have the confidence of the House of Commons,” wrote a Globe columnist. “Her testimony was so utterly damning that the Liberals no longer have a moral mandate to govern.”
Opinion polls conducted a day before Wilson Raybould’s testimony indicated that Conservatives would win 2019 election if it is held on that day, putting Andrew Scheer's Conservatives seven points ahead of the Liberals. The majority of Canadians, 66 percent, believe the SNC-Lavalin affair points to a deeper scandal in the Prime Minister's Office, the poll found.
