

China influence will be an election issue
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Striving to take over the world, China is strengthening its effort to project its influence and wield its soft power overseas. It's influence in Canada is everywhere, with its fingerprints in universities, business communities, media, and the Canadian government.


The Chinese overseas diaspora has become Beijing's powerful arsenal to expand its influence in Canada. Beijing tries to push its agenda abroad through propaganda operations that mobilize the overseas diaspora's loyalty to China. The recent counter-Hong Kong protests by Chinese international students showed that the scheme had born fruit. Two weeks ago, a group of international students from China drove luxury cars in downtown Toronto to block pro-Hong Kong demonstrations. They waved China flags, blasted horns and parroted the communist party’s propaganda.


A pro-China rally at Markham by a score of Chinese Canadians was another sign that Beijing was trying to advance their agendas through the diaspora. The event, headlined by Michael Chan, was part of what appears to be Beijing’s worldwide effort to rally overseas Chinese against the Hong Kong demonstrators. 

前安省自由党政府内阁厅长陈国治集会讲演中宣称:“我们支持香港警察严肃处理骚乱,香港政府认真维护法制,中国政府静观香港抗议。” 陈在讲演中敦促香港当局不要对抗议者手软。

"We support Hong Kong's police strictly handling unrest, Hong Kong’s government carefully defending the rule of law, China’s government carefully observing Hong Kong," said Chan, former Ontario Liberal cabinet minister, in his keynote speech at the rally. Chan urged authorities in Hong Kong to take a firm hand with the protests.


A secret report circulating among federal government's top bureaucrats warns that Canada faces growing Chinese pressure. With the Chinese diaspora playing an increasingly important role at all level of the Canadian government, the Canadian political system faces heightened risks of being influenced by China.  The report also warns that China has launched hostile state activities against Canada, which include influencing our elections and wreaking havoc on our economic and political system.


Chinese meddling in Canada seems unprecedented, with tactic more seductive, agenda more subtle and sophisticated and resources more powerful. But Ottawa seems weak in protecting Canada's interest against Chinese operations, nor has it done enough to protect the democratic voices among Chinese Canadians. The Trudeau government wants to save their relationship with communist China because of China's wealth and economic power.


But Canadians are increasingly wary about China's influence. Recent research suggests that the perceptions Canadians have of the Chinese government are on a negative spiral. As concerns over Beijing's influence intensify, more Canadians demand the government's actions and seek solidarity against a foreign power.


"Canada will forever remain free against foreign influence. If we don't stand together as Canadians, we will all get walked on," said one post on Reddit, a social media in Toronto.

在国外势力欲扰乱加国选举之际,将被选出的渥太华政府是否会屈服中国压力,这将不可避免地在联邦选举中成为选民关注的问题,候选人的中国立场也成为选民衡量政客的标准。目前在华人聚集的当谷北选区,一场争夺自由党候选人的战役正在如火如荼地展开。一名该选区选民表示:“他们是否支持民主进程和言论自由,以及和平示威?他们是否亲近中国共产党,与中国政府保持一致? 这些都是候选人敲门时我要问的问题。”

With Canada's election in the crosshairs of foreign operators, whether the next government will succumb to China’s pressure will inevitably become an election issue in the upcoming federal election. The stance of political candidates towards China has been increasingly under the scrutiny of Canadian voters. "Do they support democracy, free speech? And a peaceful demonstration?  Or are they close to Beijing and align with the Chinese government? These are the questions I would ask for the candidates when they knock on my door," said a resident at Don Valley North. Currently, a heated Liberal nomination battle is unfolding in the riding heavily concentrated with Chinese Canadians.


The storm is coming. Political parties cannot avoid it, and candidates need to be ready. Like it or not, Canadians will hold their government to account on it.




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