

Despite out of poverty, Chinese people still grappling with panic buying syndrome
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


News gripping the headline paints a picture of a frantic scene as panic buyers flooded to stores to hunt for N95 face masks – the most converted commodity during coronavirus outbreak. In Richmond Hill Toronto—the area with a large concentration of Chinese Canadians, much higher than average volume of sales experienced in most outlets, rapidly depleting the supply of the item that would otherwise always sit on a store shelf. In Singapore, surgical masks run out at retail outlets. And in Hong Kong, face masks hoarding, price-gouging, and counterfeiting inundated cyberspace, creating a thriving black market of face masks online.


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Ethnic Chinese are the significant drivers of face masks buying frenzy, but their panic buying behavior goes beyond the current face masks run. In 2011, panic buying of salt erupted in China when Japan faced the threat of nuclear radiation. Supermarkets in Beijing run out of salt after false rumors circulated that iodized salt can help ward off radiation poisoning.  Worried shoppers stripped stores of salt in Beijing, Shanghai, and other parts of China, causing a severe shortage of the daily necessity. In 2013, fears over a strain of bird flu in the country led to another wave of buying frenzy, as frantic shoppers rushed to pharmacies and eBay for Banlangen – a Chinese herb.

每当天灾人祸在即,抢购浪潮便风起云涌,“抢购”似乎成了华人在灾难来临时的第一自然反应。但华人骨子里的抢购欲望并非空穴来风,仔细追究可发现,这与中国苦难深重的历史和渊源分不开。历史上的中国土地贫瘠,饥荒不断,老百姓终日缺衣少粮,食不果腹。17世纪中国出现人口大爆炸,同时可耕地面积急剧减少,资源严重短缺给百姓造成巨大生活压力。18世纪,3年的自然干旱后, 中国近代史上出现了950万人死亡的最大饥荒,饿殍遍野。19世纪和20世纪,干旱和水灾的轮番攻击这个贫瘠、民不聊生的国度。清朝覆灭后,饥荒不停地骚扰着中国大陆,老百姓更是在朝不保夕的困境之中备受煎熬,苦苦挣扎。

The tendency towards panic buying seems to have become Chinese people's standard reaction to a disaster.  The behavior can find its roots in China's fraught history of hardship and adversity as food scarcity, famine, and upheavals repeatedly struck the nation, creating a survival crisis one after another. In the late 17th century, the population explosion, coupled with the rapidly shrinking land resources, put intolerable pressure on already hard-pressed resources. In the late 18th century, a three-year severe drought saw at least 9.5 million people died of starvation in one of the most disastrous famines in recent Chinese history. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, flood and drought frequently attacked this impoverished land and the desperate nation. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, famines continued to be the norm of citizens' life and a test of their survival.


The persistent threats of hunger and food shortages turned into a chorionic stressor for historical Chinese people, causing long term psychological damages. A constant state of acute food insecurity bred the fears of missing out, which fuelled their desperate urge to fight for the limited resources and to get ahead. As a result, panic buying, herd mentality, and hoarding became their natural psychological response to an adverse event.  Despite rapid economic growth in modern China that has kept the majority out of poverty, the psychological traits have deeply ingrained in the ethnic Chinese and passed on from generation to generation.


But the impulsive psychological reaction can result in unintended consequences. Buyers' remorse strikes when boxes of table salt clog the kitchen drawers of panic purchasers and when stockpiles of Banlangen end up in their garbage bin. But amidst the global spread of the Coronavirus, a run on masks would have far more devastating impacts. It would put a severe strain on the protective gear around the world, risking a critical shortage to frontline medical professionals and restraining their ability to save lives.


As modern China touts its achievement of eradicating poverty, Chinese people are still grappling with panic buying syndrome.  It seems that mental trauma presents a much more tough challenge than material shortages.




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