

A corrupt finance minister must step down immediately
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

在加国经济面临瘟疫造成危机之际加国财长比尔•摩尔诺突然辞职。据《环邮》报道,摩尔诺辞职是因为他与总理特鲁多就加国救援计划的发放发生争执,并深受WE慈善丑闻困扰。他以保护加国财政利益,减少纳税人财务支出为由,反对内阁就瘟疫危机提出的对加国人士的紧急财务救援计划。同时,他却眼都不眨 地将数十亿纳税人税款拨给与他个人关系密切的加国机构,以资助财务陷入窘境的“关系户”。

Canada's Finance Minister Bill Morneau resigned as the Canadian economy struggles to recover from the pandemic crisis. According to the Globe, Morneau quit his job amid reported tension with the PM and the WE Charity scandal. He pushed back against the cabinet’ s plan on the pandemic relief spending to help Canadians in financial hardship, citing his responsibility to tighten the public purse string as a federal finance minister. Meanwhile, he eagerly doled out hundreds of millions of taxpayers' money to rescue a financially troubled organization with which he had close personal ties.


报告显示疫情初期 加国急诊室就诊病患数量大减25%
加航拒绝退款被投诉 在美国的案件数量列居第二



Mr. Moneau turned into a passionate penny pincher when financially struggling Canadians desperately need the federal lifeline. Mr. Moneau believed that the $2000 CERB benefits were too generous and argued for a less amount. Morneau also wanted to provide one-year freeze to EI premiums in Ottawa's plan to roll CERB into EI, while Trudeau was pushing for a two-year freeze.  When businesses saw their revenue wiped out by Covid-19 in early March, Ottawa planned to roll-out relief programs to help employers retain the workforce. But under Mr. Moneau's proposal, Ottawa announced a grossly inadequate relief package to Canadian business owners that offered only 10-percent employee wages, which sparked an outcry from the Canadian business community. The federal government raised the subsidy to 75 percent under pressure from the PM in April.


Mr. Moneau's departure seems to have rattled the Bay Street, which has seen the former finance minister as the only cabinet member to limit the federal spending and defend their interest. They believed Morneau was an essential voice of restraint and fiscal discipline, serving as a counterbalance to some of the government's broader social spending.

但摩尔诺在利用公款为其“哥们”效力时,却一跃成为一名慷慨的“慈善家”。在臭名昭著的耗资纳税人几千万的WE慈善丑闻中,摩尔诺和他的手下扮演了极其重要的角色。要知道WE慈善在这位前财长身上可没少花钱,美酒佳肴之外还免费提供的耗资$4万多元的全家畅游世界。据《环球邮报》报道, 摩尔诺对推出这项耗资纳税人$5.43亿元,外加WE慈善直接揣入腰包的$4300万元管理费的学生自愿者计划乐此不疲。但在这项学生自愿者计划推出之前,摩尔诺还唯恐WE慈善拿不到政府拨款,并匆忙将高达$9亿元的税款直接划给WE慈善项目。

But Morneau became a generous financier when using the public money to serve the interest of his "besties." Mr. Morneau and his office were the key players in the WE scandal that saw tens of millions of dollars squandered in supporting an organization that entertained him and his families lavishly through dines and wines and all-expenses-paid family trips. According to the Globe, Mr. Morneau's eagerly pushed out the students' volunteer program (CSSG) that cost the taxpayer $543-million and $43 million administration fee that went directly to the charity's pocket.  Before CSSG's inception, Morneau had quickly earmarked over a stunning $900 million for the program-- under his heightened concern that "the government will drop the ball."


Mr. Morneau 's departure has cleared the way for Ottawa to roll out additional measures for Covid-19 relief programs, which has played a vital role in protecting Canadians' wellbeing and sustaining economic growth. Two days after Morneau's resignation, his replacement, Christia Freeland, has extended CERB for a month, expanded EI, and added recovery benefits for gig and contract workers.  A corrupt top leader who eagerly advanced his priorities but was insensitive to the pains of millions of Canadians should step down immediately and never return.





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