

What are the measures taken by the Queen’s Park to help small businesses recover in pandemic?
来源: Bob Mok
The COVID-19 pandemic came upon us earlier this year and now six months have passed since its arrival. While the Federal government pumped billions of dollars into all kinds of programs to keep businesses and employees afloat, the provincial government does not stand idol with its hands in its pockets. The Ontario provincial government has initiated the “Rebuilding Main Street”, “Digital Main Street”, and “Ontario's Action Plan-Responding to COVID-19” - just to name a few.
On October 7, 2020 the Ontario provincial government introduced the “Main Street Recovery Plan (MSRP)”. This is a $60 million plan that will support small businesses and modernize rules to allow them to innovate and meet the challenges of today. The associated act, when passed, will remove hurdles faced by small businesses and allow them to pursue new opportunities — while maintaining or enhancing protections for public health, safety and the environment.
MSRP将给那些从事零售,食品、住宿以及其他服务行业、雇有2到9人的街道小企业提供一笔最高$ 1,000的一次性补助,帮助他们购买个人防护设备(PPE)。
The MSRP will give a one-time grant of up to $1,000 for eligible main street small businesses — in retail, food and accommodations, and other service sectors — with two to nine employees to help offset the unexpected costs of personal protective equipment (PPE);
MSRP will establish Ontario's Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Network, which links 47 Small Business Enterprise Centres across the province as places where small businesses can access tailored advice and information on local, provincial and federal programs;
The MSRP will provide Mental health supports for families, frontline workers, young people, children, and Indigenous communities. Many feel that this need has been neglected in the past;
MSRP will create an Ontario's Small Business Recovery Webpage to provide single window access to small business supports. It will also supply Digital Main Street Squads to help small businesses grow online.

安省小企业和给企业松绑厅副厅长Prabmeet Sarkaria指出:“小型企业是安省经济的支柱,安省政府永远是他们的后盾。通过100多个网上会议,省府与小型企业主,他们的雇员,地方领导和经济学家交流,了解到小型企业为确保员工安全,客户信心和强化社区做出的巨大牺牲。省政府将与街道企业共同努力,帮助他们复兴企业和取得创新成果。我们决心在疫情期间、疫情以后以实际行动来支持他们。”
According to Prabmeet Sarkaria (Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction) who introduced the program - "Small businesses are the backbone of Ontario's economy, and our government will always be in their corner. Through more than 100 virtual roundtables and discussions with small business owners, their employees, local leaders and economists from all over Ontario, I've heard directly about the extraordinary sacrifices small businesses have made to keep their employees safe, their customers confident, and their communities strong," said. "Our government is standing with main street businesses, and we remain committed to their recovery and renewed success. We are determined to support them through this pandemic and beyond."
When passed, MSRP's regulatory and legislative changes will:
1) Commit to exploring options to permanently allow licensed restaurants and bars to include alcohol with food as part of a takeout or delivery order before the existing regulation expires;
2) Permanently allow 24/7 deliveries to businesses that include retail stores, restaurants, and distribution facilities;

3) Support the distribution of local food and food products by increasing the range of products sold at the Ontario Food Terminal;

4) Enable Community Net Metering demonstration projects to help support local communities to develop innovative community projects like net-zero or community micro-grids. Under a net metering arrangement, the customer generates electricity from a renewable source for their own use while still drawing electricity from the grid when needed;
5) Modernize the Assistive Devices Program. This program will help people with long-term physical disabilities pay for customized equipment, like wheelchairs and hearing aids;
6) Support Ontario's Taxi and Limousine Industry by increasing fines for illegal operators.
Details of this MSRP are not completely released at this time. The provincial government claims that these new measures will help businesses reopen safer, rehire faster and recover from COVID-19. Let us see if they are truly helpful to small businesses when the program is implemented.





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