

China’s Fox Hunt Operation faces backlash in Canada and US
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
The enforcement of China's new national security law has seen the regime's growing desire to crack down on dissidents beyond its border. In a sweeping campaign against the critics and opponents among the overseas diaspora, China's Fox Hunt Operation increasingly targets law-abiding residents in foreign countries, resorting to surveillance, harassment, and coercion to force the victims to return to China for punishment. But the US and Canadian authorities do not tolerate China's outrageous actions, making coordinating efforts to protect the immigrant community from threats and harms.


While the Chinese authorities can arrest and charge political opponents in Hong Kong under its new national security law, they face sovereignty barriers to detain, at their whim, any critics residing in foreign countries. China's Fox Hunt Operation has paved a way for the Chinese authority to secretively locate political opponents overseas and bring them home to face criminal charges. In 2014, the Chinese regime launched the fox hunt operation to track down fugitives who committed financial crimes. However, it has increasingly expanded to include political rivals, dissidents, and critics of the government -- particularly those seeking to expose China's extensive human rights violations.
 A Fox Hunt Operation in 2017 targeted a New Jersey resident from China.  Several Chinese agents coerced the resident's father to travel with them to the state. With the help of a local private investigator, they located the resident's home, harassed his adult daughter through text messages, and sent packages of notes, videos, and letters to the victim's door, threatening to harm his families in China if he did not comply.  According to the FBI, this unauthorized and covert operation has put hundreds of US residents on its hit list. 


据《环球邮报》报道,中国当局被控也使用了类似的手段对付身居加拿大的持不同政见者和批评大陆的移民,对其施压,使其闭嘴。他们以外交身份,旅游签证为掩护或以商人或学生的身份派遣秘密行动小组来到加拿大,向搜捕对象发函威胁或通过拘留身在中国亲属逼迫其就范,他们绑架了兄弟姐妹间的亲情,利用报纸广告呼吁搜捕对象放弃逃往主动“自首”。温哥华移民律师理查德•库兰德(Richard Kurland)向《环邮》表示:“中国政府在加拿大国土上的这种恐吓行为已经成为'标准操作程序'。”加拿大中国大使馆否认了这些指控。
 China allegedly used similar tactics to silence dissidents in Canada and pressured political opponents among the Chinese Canadian community, according to the Globe and Mail. They sent agents to Canada under diplomatic cover, on a tourist visa, or as business people or students, threatening victims and families through messages or detaining victims' relatives in China. They used siblings to exert pressure and took out newspaper ads to implore the targets to give themselves up. "This intimidation from China on Canadian soil has become 'standard operating procedure' now," Vancouver-based immigration lawyer Richard Kurland told the G&M. The Chinese Canadian embassy has denied the allegations. 
受中国政府指使的,肆意妄为的猎狐行动侵犯了他国的主权,有违他国法律和国际行为准则,并促使美国和加拿大当局立即采取行动进行反击。今年10月28日,美国联邦调查局一举破获了那起针对新泽西大陆移民的“猎狐案”,逮捕了6名行动执行者,并指控8人在美国境内从事监视,骚扰,跟踪和胁迫等非法活动。联邦调查局局长克里斯•雷(Chris Wray)亲自宣布了这一逮捕和指控的消息,并表示联邦调查局已将“猎狐行动”改头换面,将追捕者变成被追捕者,猎户变成猎物。同时,联邦调查局、加拿大皇家骑警和加国情报局都采取了不寻常的行动,呼吁美加两地的大陆移民受害者主动联系当局报告受害经历。
 China's state-authorized brazen conducts infringe on foreign countries' sovereignty. They are in clear violation of the rule of law and international norms, prompting the US and Canadian authorities' immediate actions to investigate and defeat the operation.  On Oct. 28, the FBI foiled the Chinese state-authorized scheme aiming at the New Jersey immigrant, arresting six scheme operators and charging eight for illegal activities on the US soil – including surveillance, harass, stalk and coerce.  The FBI director Chris Wray announced the arrests and charges, saying it has turned the Fox Hunt Operation on its head, turning the pursuers into pursued and the hunters into hunted. Meanwhile, the FBI, RCMP, and CSIS have all issued unusual warnings, urging China-born residents victimized by the operation to contact the authorities. 
 Federal law enforcement actions speak volumes for the authority's determination to stop China's illegal activities and ensure law-binding immigrants' security in their adopted countries. It has also sent a clear message to the Chinese community in the US and Canada that as members of the multi-cultural society, the authorities will defend you from harm and danger, holding accountable any foreign forces that threaten your safety and well-being –including your home country’s regime.





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