
中英对照:港陆两地华裔移民应放弃仇恨与偏见 共建加国华人社区

Hong Kongers and Mainland Chinese should put historical tensions behind in multicultural Canada
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
由于国安法在香港的实施可能会导致大量香港居民移民加拿大,因此会给加国华人社区人口构成带来巨大变化。大量香港人士的到来会凸显香港和大陆之间长期存在的文化和政治冲突,使中港矛盾和两地 居民长期存在的紧张关系成为关注焦点。但在倡导多元文化,重视种族多样性和包容性的加拿大,来自香港和大陆的华裔移民应抛弃以往的恩怨情仇,相互隐忍,共同发展。
The Chinese Canadian population mix may soon face drastic change as China's national security law in Hong Kong could cause a massive exodus of Hong Kongers to Canada. The demographic shift may highlight the existing clashes between the Hong Kong people and mainland Chinese, putting their cultural differences and decades of strains in the front and center. However, the two Chinese factions should leave the cultural and political tensions behind and embrace each other in multicultural Canada that values diversity, tolerance, and inclusiveness.


Before it returned to China, the decades of the former British colony's prosperity had led to Hong Kongers' discriminatory attitude towards their poor cousins across the border, despising their uncivilized behaviors and looking down on their economic status. Their covert discrimination has turned into overt hatred and anger as a massive of deep pocket mainlanders -- produced by China's rapid economic growth flood into the city, causing disruptions of Hong Kongers' lives. Surging real estate prices, soaring birth tourism, and frantic shopping sprees have fueled their accusations that mainland "locusts" have "invaded" Hong Kong and took over its resources.
专制、蛮横的中共政权不断加紧对香港在经济和政治上的控制,而港人对中共的愤懑也日益转嫁到大陆人身上,使港人对大陆人的仇恨不断加剧。在诸多起向大陆人发起的口头羞辱,人身攻击和暴力袭击事件中,来自中国大陆的一名JP Morgan雇员在前往工作单位的路上惨遭殴打,凸显出香港对大陆人士仇恨暴力犯罪的飙升。
Beijing’s growing one-party dictatorship and its tightening control over the former British colony has sparked the anti-China resentment that increasingly spilled over mainlanders, further fueling the existing anger towards their mandarin speaking counterparts.  Among the repeated incidents of verbal abuse, physical assault, and violence targeting mainland Chinese, a JP Morgan employee from China suffered a brutal attack while making his way to his workplace, highlighting the growing hate-motivated crimes against mainland Chinese.  

But prejudices and resentments are a two-way street.  Contempt and disdain against Hong Kongers are widespread emotions among mainlanders. Some denounced Hong Kong as a spoiled, ungrateful child, relying on China for resources and economic support, while others accused it of being traitors and British lapdogs without a sense of national pride. In the aftermath of a controversy over a child from mainland defecating in Hong Kong, Kong Qingdong, a Peking University professor, has publicly called Hong Kongers "bastards" and imperialists "running dogs."
However, despite a deep-rooted prejudice and ethnic tensions in their home country, Hong Kong and the mainland immigrants in Canada should leave their cultural baggage behind and find common grounds in this rich and free country they now call home. Under the multicultural mosaic, the Canadian society has intended to ensure that all Canadians, regardless of skin color, mother tongue, or country of origin, live free from discrimination, hatred, resentment, and violence.

Most Canadians in this modern civilized nation can tolerate group differences, suppressing the deep-seated human tendencies of racial profiling, xenophobia, and bigotry. Muslims and blacks have found protection, support, and love from Canadians of different races as anti-Islamic phobia and black-lives-matter movements gain traction in the country.
If people of different colors are striving to reduce racial and ethnic prejudice in Canada, ethnic Chinese from Hong Kong and mainland-- the long-separated siblings, should end the escalation of tensions and hostilities, and make concerted efforts to embrace a calm and peaceful life in this land of harmony.





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