中英对照: 赵锦荣和董瀚鹏:华社议员对话会凸显两党在中国问题上分歧
MP Candidate Community Dialog drives home the cleavage between two parties' China approach
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
In retaliation of Canada's detain of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, China arbitrarily arrested two Canadians, which marked the turning point in the Canada-China relationship. Canadian voters, including many Chinese community members, are deeply concerned about the growing tensions between the two countries, making Canada's policy on China a prominent election issue. While the Conservatives have taken a far more critical approach against China in the election campaign, the Liberals platform has been silent on matters around China. The sharp cleavage between the two parties' China approach was all the more evident in a MP candidate community dialog hosted by Chinese News.
Among the Conservative candidates in the dialog was the Richmond MP Kenny Chiu, who has been vocal on anti-foreign influence and maintained firm support for human rights and democracy worldwide. While in opposition, Chiu tabled a bill (C-282) to establish a national registry for foreigners engaged in political work. "The bill targets the foreign agents on behalf of Chinese authorities trying to lobby the Canadian legislature to change the Canadian law, and it won't affect any individuals or organizations not involved in those activities at all," said Chiu in answering one of the audience questions.
赵在为倡导人权和遏制外国影响方面的立场与保守党采取的对中国的强硬态度的竞选纲领保持一致。从禁止华为 5G 网络到对侵犯人权者实施马格尼茨基制裁,保守党誓言要对中国政府采取更强硬的立场,并结束与中国国家控制实体的合作。保守党也在竞选平台上区分了对中国政府和中国人民的批评。 “我们必须站出来对抗中国共产党政府,但我们从不针对来自大陆的中国移民。”
Chiu's efforts in advocating for human rights and curbing foreign influence have highlighted the Conservatives' hawkish campaign strategy on China. From banning Huawei 5G networks to imposing Magnitsky sanctions against human rights violators, the Conservatives vow to take more hard lines on the Chinese government and end the corporation with the state-controlled entities. The Conservatives also differentiate the criticism of the Chinese government and Chinese people in the campaign platform. "We must stand up to the Communist government of China, but our quarrel is not with the people from China."
保守党对中国的不妥协态度引起了现任自由党议员,唐谷北候选人董瀚鹏的批评。面对对话主持人贾宁扬就他对中国的态度的质疑,董表示保守党的中国政策导致了对居住在加拿大的华裔人士的普遍歧视。为了进一步阐述他的观点,他引用特鲁多的那句,“对着太平洋仍西红柿。”当贾宁扬要求他在民主价值观,以及 6 月 4 日大屠杀、新疆和人权等问题上澄清其立场时,董却含糊其辞,避而不答,而是称外交问题在他国会议员职责中处于次要地位,而他最为关切的是“对华裔加拿大人的种族歧视问题”。
The Conservatives' uncompromising attitude on China drew criticisms from the incumbent Liberal MP, Don Valley North candidate Han Dong. Facing questions from the dialog host Jack Jia over his attitude on China, Dong said the Conservatives' approach has led to the widespread discrimination against the Chinese living in Canada. To drive home his point, he recited Trudeau's lines, "You don't simply lob tomatoes across the Pacific." When pressed by Jia for his position on democracy -- including issues on June 4th Massacre, Xinjiang, and human rights, Dong tried to avoid a straight answer by saying that foreign affairs issues take a backseat in his mandate and that his priority lies on the "racial discrimination against Chinese Canadians."

The fear that irritating Beijing would spark a backlash against Asian Canadians was also what Trudeau cited when he faced the opposition's accusations in parliament of going soft on China. But the concerns for Chinese Canadians' safety might be a pretense for the Liberals to attack the rival Conservatives or an excuse for its dialing back on criticisms against the regime. The silence on China in the party's campaign platform speaks volumes to the Liberals' haphazard response to China's hostage diplomacy and wolf-warrior advantage on Canada. Trudeau had been submissive to Beijing on many issues – including trying to engage in trade talks with China and opposing the grant of reward to Tsai Ing-Wen by the Halifax Security Forum until the detain of two Michaels caught him off guard. Political analysts believe that Trudeau's earlier approach to China was, in part, naïve, lacking awareness of "the pernicious effects of China's growing power globally."
选举中试图避免中国问题有违加国选民对加国最高领导的期望。根据 Nanos 的一项民意调查,三分之二的加拿大人表示他们希望下一届政府对中国采取更为强硬态度。毫无疑问,选民——包括大多数华人社区选民,将在投票时表达他们对两党对华政策的看法。
But trying to avoid the China issues in the election is not what voters expected from the leadership. According to a Nanos poll, two-thirds of Canadians say they want the next government to be more forceful towards China. Undoubtedly, the electorate – including most Chinese community voters, will express their views on two party's China approach at the polls.
