What are those projects to improve Chinatown?
来源: Bob Mok

多伦多中区唐人街华埠商业促进区 (CBIA)是多伦多市于2007年成立的非谋利社区组织。CBIA与各级政府、唐人街周围居民、社区团体、唐人街的商家、其他商业促进区和私营机构合作,打造中区唐人街的美好未来。
The Toronto Chinatown Business Improvement Area (CBIA) is a not-for-profit community based City of Toronto agency established in 2007. CBIA works closely with all three levels of the government, area residents, community groups, other BIA’s and the private sector to build a strong Chinatown community. CBIA aims to build a better future for Chinatown together with Chinatown Businesses.
CBIA的使命和任务是保护唐人街的遗产、改善景观和保持街道整洁,并促进唐人街的商业发展。在过去的 18个月中,新冠疫情摧毁了多伦多唐人街的商业,并阻碍了CBIA的工作。疫情导致2020年和2021年唐人街夏日的街头活动,以及2021年和2022年的春节庆祝活动取消。随着疫苗接种让疫情日益缓和,唐人街的日常生活和工作正缓慢恢复。CBIA也在制定计划,尽快恢复唐人街往日的繁荣。
The mission and mandate of the CBIA are to preserve heritage, improve landscape and street cleanliness, and to promote businesses in Chinatown. Over the last 18 months, the pandemic devastated the businesses in Toronto's Chinatown and hindered the work of the CBIA. The pandemic cancelled the Summer Street festivals for 2020 and 2021 as well as the Chinese New Year celebrations for 2021 and 2022. With the slow return of daily lives and work routines recently through the effectiveness of increased vaccinations against the coronavirus, CBIA is putting its plans into action once again.
As part of the “return-to-normal” effort, CBIA started conducting its meetings in a “Hybrid” mode replacing video conferencing practiced over the last 18 months. This means that vaccinated directors on the Board of Management met physically while other participants joined by video conferencing.
During the annual general meeting (AGM) last month, CBIA announced major innovative programs for its business members totaling close to $200K. These programs are identified as: Surveillance video camera program, Street guard Patrol Program, Parklet Program, Themed Mural Project, Website Improvement Project, and Laneway Project.
Let us look at each one of these programs in detail:
Surveillance video camera program: Chinatown does not have enough surveillance cameras, at the crime “hotspots” identified by the police. Part of the reason is obvious – surveillance cameras and their installations are expensive for small businesses. In addition to that, business owners feel uncomfortable with the requirement of the Privacy Act. These two factors are major obstacles toward getting surveillance cameras installed and operational.

CBIA will supply free consultation and installation of surveillance video systems to its members through a selected contractor. The members can purchase their own video equipment from their own vendor or buy them for the contractor at cost. Typically, businesses running surveillance systems are not addressing the Privacy Act requirements. The CBIA staff will provide signage and policy documents to members for compliance with the Privacy Acts. Members can get this service even if they are already running their own surveillance systems and will not be involved in the installation program.
Street guard Patrol Program: Break-ins, non-compliance with mask wearing; disturbances and threats from homeless people to our business members point to the need for the presence of street security personnel to respond to members' plight when these incidents occur.

In the experience of our members, the police cannot arrive at the scene expeditiously to deal with the incidents in real time. It is therefore prudent for CBIA to help them with personnel that can defuse the unpleasant situations or to expedite help from the police.
The mere presence of these uniformed street patrolling personnel will help to allay the fears of our business members and deter and prevent the occurrences of these harassments. In CBIA’s survey last year, its members listed “Security” as one of their top three concerns and priorities for opportunities for improvement to the area.
A selected and qualified contractor will supply the uniformed guard services. These trained and uniformed guards will deal with disturbances to defuse the situations and to summon police help where warranted. They will patrol the streets within the Chinatown BIA’s boundaries and make frequent visits and stop by the hot spots of reported disturbances. The contractor will produce Daily Incident Reports for CBIA’s review, study, and records.