
海外校园政治浪潮转变 大陆留学生反习暗流汹涌(观点)

Opinion: Chinese students' anti-Xi activities highlight a shift in political sentiment across Western campuses
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)

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The Chinese regime's unfettered repression and control over its people have led to unavoidable consequences. A growing number of protests have erupted since a banner unfurled on Sitong Bridge in Beijing, marking the most prominent anti-regime demonstration since 1989. The voice of the protests has reverberated beyond China, sparking acts of solidarity from Chinese students abroad. Anti-Xi activities have emerged across Western colleges, a sharp contrast to the nationalist sentiment and a pro-Beijing fervor engulfing university campuses in recent years.

中共的爱国主义教育和宣传培养了中国Z一代的民族自豪感和对专制政权的强烈忠诚。 在中国宣传机器教育下长大的年轻一代,从小被灌输了只有中国最繁荣和强大的观念。迈入西方大学的他们也将这种莫名和狂妄的民族自豪带到海外校园。而这种亲北京的狂潮在2019年发生的港,陆大学生抗议冲突事件中达到顶峰。当时香港学生要求民主要求独立的抗议呼声遭到大陆学生的强烈反击。他们阻止香港学生上街抗议,手舞国旗并高呼“一个中国”。温哥华的中国留学生也对当地香港抗议发难,支持其家乡政府对香港这半自治区的控制和打压。

CCP's patriotic education and propaganda had bred China's generation Z's national pride and intense loyalty to the authoritarian regime. Growing up knowing only a thriving and confident China, the twenty-something brought patriotism and fidelity abroad as they flew across the ocean to study in the West. The pro-Beijing sentiment reached a climax when students from China clashed with Hong Kong demonstrators demanding democracy and independence in 2019. The Beijing loyalists blocked Hong Kong students from marching on the Toronto streets, waving Chinese flags and chanting "One China". Their Vancouver peers also waged counter-protests against Hong Kong groups, showing their support for Beijing's tightening grip on the semi-autonomous region.

长期遭压抑的异见观点的涌现以及被埋藏的反对声浪的高涨使西方校园的拥共浪潮呈现逆转。 中共政权日益加强控制,对其人民暴虐施压行径有目共睹。 当局不仅对言论自由进行高度限制,还恐吓和骚扰那些敢于挑战之人士,并使用残酷的 covid 清零政策强化专制政权,这一切都加剧了海外学生的不满情绪,促使许多对中共及其政权的长期异见者打破沉默。  许多海外留学生在 Instagram 上纷纷传送与北京四通桥横幅遥相呼应的抵制中共当局的标语,从而掀起了一场由世界各地大陆留学生参与的载有数千份张贴的网络反习运动。

The tide has started to turn against Xi and the CCP across Western campuses as the long-filtered critical views began to emerge and the buried dissenting voices became vocal. The regime has increasingly tightened its control, wielding tyrannical power over its people. Its highly restrictive approach to freedom of expression, intimidating and harassing those who dare to speak out, and the crippling covid zero policies have all fueled discontent among the student diaspora, pushing many with pent-up frustrations to break their silence. Many posted anti-Xi slogans echoing the Sitong Bridge banners to Instagram, creating an online movement involving thousands of submissions from Chinese students across Western campuses.

随着学生们将反习运动从网络空间扩展到现实世界,这场反习运动上升到一个新高度。 尽管害怕遭到报复,但学生们还是采取了罕见而大胆的行动,从组织小型校园示威到在城市各处张贴海报。 大陆民族主义者的威胁和北京社团的恐吓都没能阻止他们。 他们往往在夜间突击行动或着装掩饰,采取各种策略措施来防止政权拥护者的攻击或骚扰。 当他们与西方校园的其他志同道合者建立起联系,这使他们深深感到团结赋予了他们的力量。 当在英国伦敦的抗议活动吸引了 100 人时,海报张贴如雨后春笋在全球 320 所大学校园涌现。 一些学生人士说,他们第一次从反抗当局和抗议习近平任国家主席的行动中感到力量和满足。

The students have taken the movement to the next level as they expanded anti-Xi activities from the digital space to the real world. They engaged in rare and bold actions -- from organizing small campus demonstrations to putting up posters around the city despite being gripped by the fear of reprisal. Neither the threat from the nationalists nor the intimidating messages from Beijing associations deterred them. They took the actions at night or wearing disguise, tapping into strategies to prevent attacks or harassment from the regime's followers. Solidarity empowered them as they connected with pro-democracy peers across the Western campuses. At the time when the protest in London drew 100 people, posters cropped up at 320 universities around the world. Some said they were feeling for the first time a sense of power from rebelling against the regime and rejecting Xi as their president.


The rapid growth of the overseas opposition to Xi has shocked many human rights activists, who are surprised at the scale of the protest and the blunt critique of the CCP. "In the past, there were only sporadic protests by overseas Chinese dissidents. Voices from university campuses predominantly supported the Chinese government and leadership," Teng Bao, visiting professor at the University of Chicago and a human rights lawyer, told CNN.

The undercurrent of resistance in the Western campuses today reflects a shift from the political sentiment that overwhelmingly supported Xi and CCP, highlighting students’ desire to air the grievances long silenced by the Chinese regime.  




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