
与北京离心离德 拒绝效忠中共的海外华裔大有人在(观点)

Opinion: There are many overseas Chinese who refuse to be loyal to the CCP
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
多年来,中共的地缘政治运动瞄准海外华人社区,试图通过利用“”华裔血统“”和“”祖国文化“”等说辞动员全体海外定居人士支持中共事业。 中共的大肆宣传和其控制海外侨民的行动使海外华裔的政治倾向和忠诚度在其所居住国家引发质疑,很多国外人士认为这些与中国大陆有千丝万缕联系的人士都心向北京,是随时准备着效忠中共的海外战士。 但事实上并非所有海外华社人员成员符合这一刻板定性,或愿意充当中国权力机构的政治掮客。 许多海外人士对中共及其专制统治持不同看法,并成为北京开展的对海外异议人士打压运动的牺牲品。


Over the years, CCP geopolitical campaigns targeted the Chinese diaspora, tapping into the power of the bloodline and heritage rhetoric to mobilize the community for CCP's cause. Its efforts to influence and control those living abroad have caused concerns over the diaspora's political allegiance in their adopted country, creating a misconception that they are all loyal to Beijing and are overseas warriors on standby to serve the CCP. But not all community members fall into the stereotype or are willing to act as brokers for the regime. Holding divergent views on CCP and its authoritarian rule, many are victims of Beijing's crackdown on dissidents abroad.
支持民主运动的郝丹是众多的遭受中共打压的海外不同政见者之一。据郝称,他在越南的证券公司被中国公司强行接管后,因不服中共霸行遭到报复而逃离中国。在他提出欲聘请越南律师向接管公司提起法律诉讼后,中共冻结了他的全部资产,并向国际刑警发出红色通缉令对他进行追捕。 但逃往温哥华后,郝的噩梦并未结束,他仍在中国的家人的财产也遭冻结,而郝在加拿大的抗议活动也未能逃过北京的监视。 但遭受类似命运的海外受害者并非都能想郝丹那样挺身而出。担心给仍居住在中国的家庭带来伤害,很多人都只好将打碎的牙齿咽到肚子里,忍气吞声。

Dan Hao is one of the many pro-democracy activists in Canada who faced Beijing's harassing activities aiming to silence overseas dissidents. Hao allegedly fled China after falling foul of the CCP when a Chinese firm forcibly took over his securities firm in Vietnam. After he threatened a lawsuit by hiring a Vietnamese lawyer, the CCP froze his assets and issued an Interpol Red Notice trying to track him down. But fleeing to Vancouver did not end his nightmare. The properties of his family members in China were also frozen, while Hao's protesting activities in Canada couldn't escape Beijing's radar. Hao was among the few vocal voices against the CCP. Fear of repercussions for families still living in China prevented many others in a similar ordeal from coming forward.
中共对外打压的对象还包括身居他国的海外人士。 美国司法部的一份刑事起诉书揭露了两名华裔美籍人士是遭到北京精心策划的打压海外异见人士行动的迫害。 加州持不同政见艺术家陈伟明雕塑了一尊将习近平描绘成 covid-19 病毒分子的塑像,引起发中共的愤怒。 中共派人潜伏美国,试图非法获得他的纳税申报表,并最终烧毁了那尊玻璃纤维制造的雕塑。

Members of the diaspora based in other countries were also the target of the CCP's repressive operations abroad. A criminal indictment by US Justice Department has revealed how two Chinese Americans had become the victims of Beijing's carefully planned plot to inflict harm on its critics. Weiming Chen, a dissident artist in California whose sculpture depicting China's Xi as s a covid-19 virus molecule had drawn the ire of Beijing. Beijing orchestrated a scheme that attempted to obtain his tax return illegally and had his fiberglass sculpture burnt down.
1989 年天安门事件后逃离中国的美籍华人人权活动家熊焱一直是共产党政府的眼中钉。 出于对他参加国会竞选后政治影响政治力升级的担心,中共派秘密特工前往美国欲对其暴力施压,并称要“打他直到他不能参加竞选为止”。 中共特工曾聘请私家侦探试图对其实施各种陷害手段,包括谎称其逃税、并制造性丑闻甚至车祸等。

Yan Xiong, a Chinese American human rights activist who escaped from China after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, has remained a thorn in the communist government’s side. Fearing about his growing political power after he launched a bid in a congressional race, Beijing started a campaign to silence him through secret police agents, suggesting "beating him until he cannot run for election." The agent hired private investigators to frame him for tax evasion, sex scandal, and causing a car accident.
习近平和中共宣称海外华社是民族复兴的重要组成部分,事实上是强化试图将其统治延伸至海外侨民的手段。 但包括来自大陆的新移民在内的大多数社区成员并不愿被纳入亲北京阵营,有些人勇敢地站出来,公开大胆地显明其反对专制政权的坚定立场。 面对中共的骚扰和打压,他们需要加拿大政府和当地社区的保护和支持。 在对侨民忠诚度广遭怀疑的今天,他们最不希望看到的是加国政治领导人和加拿大社会误将华裔社区视为一体,并陷入中共的所谓其为所有海外华人之代表说辞的误区。

Xi and CCP have started a propaganda campaign to reinforce its rule overseas by declaring the overseas diaspora "an important part of its national rejuvenation dream." But most members of the Chinese community – including many from the newcomer demographic do not appreciate being included in pro-Beijing camp, with some standing up firmly and taking a bold stance against CCP. Facing bullying and harassment from their home country's regime, they need the protection and support from the Canadian government and the local community. When Beijing takes its operation of transnational repression onto a new level, it rubs salt in their wounds for the public to fall into CCP narratives that it represents all Chinese abroad.




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