

Opinion: Discovering Canadian wilderness: my journey as an avid forest walker
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Canada's natural landscape seems tough to connect for many immigrants whose exposure to nature is limited to well-maintained parks and attractions.  The mysterious ravines where dangerous wild animals and poison ivy may lurk and muddy and rugged trails in the forests that can unexpectedly throw you off balance stand a stark contrast to the well-equipped outing spots in their urban communities back home. The wilderness of the vast woodlands often evokes thoughts of nightmare scenarios and panic reactions, deterring newcomers from venturing into the natural world to explore its beauty.
我花了几十年的时间才克服了心理障碍,在移民国度踏上了追寻大自然野生风景之旅,尽享其所带来的轻松和欢愉。 两年前,我在爱犬的陪伴下首次步入家门口的森林,自那时起,我对加拿大的野生大自然之美有了越来也多的感触。夏天,被绿树环绕的我完全躲避了城市的紧张和喧嚣,在森林的宁静和静谧中独享着与自然浑然一体的感受,而冬天随着大量降雪将这片绿色宝地神奇地变为白色天堂,森林也成为越野滑雪者的乐园。但森林的魅力却不仅仅限于其自然之美,其神奇的碳汇能力也令人瞠目。森林能储存和吸收远高于其释放的二氧化碳,这使其在由环境变化而导致的空气恶化的今天大显身手,成为理想的环境缓冲器及空气过滤器。这些天然打造的森林对人类的价值是巨大的,给我们的身心带来的益处使人造公园相形见绌。

It took me decades to overcome psychological barriers and pursue wilderness-based leisure in my adopted country.  I ventured into the nearby forest with my German Sheppard dog two years ago. Since then, I’ve increasingly recognized the beauty of the wilderness.  In the summer, the forest envelops me in tranquility and serenity as the canopy-covered zone provides a complete escape from the hustles and bustles of daily life. In the winter, the forest transforms into a playground for cross-country skiers, with the massive snowfalls magically turning the green space into a white paradise. But the forest’s allure is not limited to its natural beauty, and its ability to serve as a vital carbon sink, capturing and storing twice the amount of carbon dioxide than it releases, makes it an ideal filter and buffer as air quality deteriorates by climate change. The value of these uncivilized nature spaces is immense, offering remarkable benefits for our mental and physical health, which artificial green parks pale in comparison to.

I’ve come to appreciate the immense value of the wilderness landscape as I grow into an avid forest walker, drawn closer to nature with each exploration. The boreal forest teems with living organisms – ranging from plants to insects.  Various species of coniferous and deciduous trees, along with shrubs, grasses, and species of fungi and lichens, showcase an admirable ability to adapt to Canada’s cold weather conditions, providing essential nutrition to wildlife -- from fruit-eating birds to varying sizes of mammals. Moreover, sparrows, owls, and ravens are permanent residents of the boreal forest, while billions of shorebirds, swans, and geese pass through it. Canada’s boreal forests are a hidden gem, offering the most diverse natural settings to ensure a clean, safe, and sustainable environment for human beings.

But invasive species, such as encroaching garlic mustard plants and dog-strangling vines, have been spreading increasingly into the forests, disrupting the forest's ecosystem and causing a substantial decline in biodiversity. Caring deeply about the well-being of the woods—a treasure in my backyard—I have taken on the role of a volunteer steward. Keeping forest enemies on my radar, I assist conservation authorities in surveilling for their predators -- from invasive plants that strangle native species to insects that attack and kill iconic hemlock trees. Canada's green nature has transformed me as I evolved from a newcomer who feared the wilderness to a forest guardian who embraces the responsibility of protecting it.




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