

Opinion: New petition challenges using anti-Chinese racism as a shield against foreign registry
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)

社论转载: 面对昂贵的住房市场,加拿大政客们需要认清现实

The foreign registry has remained an issue under debate since Trudeau's Liberals said to consider setting it up two and half years ago. Ottawa appears mired in consultation and consideration, dragging its feet as China escalates its efforts to interfere with Canadian democracy. The concerns over anti-Chinese racism seem a hurdle for creating the system, as Trudeau repeatedly urged caution against measures broadly targeting the Chinese Canadian diaspora. “Canada has had some difficult historical experiences that we need to learn from”, said Trudeau, alluding to the head tax on Chinese immigrants and the internment of Japanese Canadians.
但外国注册制度的目的是对那些代表外国政府行事、政府官员和政客们进行追踪,并非针对不受中国政府直接支配和控制的整个华裔群体。利用“反种族主义”招牌做为不能设立外国代理人注册系统的借口正中将其视为眼中钉,肉中刺的中国政府下怀。华裔社区的一部分人试图利用特鲁多的“种族担忧”阻止这项计划的实施。B.C.省居民Ally Wang今年4月发起了一项请愿书,要求渥太华重新考虑设立该系统的必要性。这项在上周结束,只有2450人签名的请愿活动是由自由党议员Chandra Arya赞助,并获得了参议员胡元豹和胡子修的支持。该情愿活动声称外国注册法将给族裔社区带来“严重的骚扰和种族定性”。

But the foreign registry is intended to track government officials, politicians, and those acting on behalf of a foreign government, rather than target the entire Chinese diaspora not directly under CCP’s influence. Using anti-Chinese racism as a shield against foreign registry has played into the hands of Beijing, which sees the system as an impediment to its meddling operations. A fraction of the community has tried to leverage Trudeau’s concerns to halt Ottawa’s plan. A B.C. resident Ally Wang launched a petition in April -- sponsored by Liberal MP Chandra Arya and backed by Sen. Yuen Pau Woo and Sen. Victor Oh, urging Ottawa to reassess the need for the registry. The petition, which closed with only 2450 signatures last week, argued that the foreign registry would pose “a serious harassment and stigmatization risk for racialized communities.”

The Chinese Canadian diaspora is the first target of China’s meddling operations. The CSIS has warned Beijing’s clandestine operations used sophisticated strategies with unlimited resources to threaten the safety of the community members whom Beijing deemed threats. RCMP has also identified a handful of police stations China allegedly operated in Canada, which routinely monitor Chinese political dissidents living in Canada as part of the broad international campaign to silence divergent voices of CCP.

The foreign registry would effectively empower the local law enforcement agencies to charge and arrest the secretive agents sent by the foreign government. Its mere existence in the US has enabled the FBI to shut down a Chinese police station and arrested two alleged Chinese agents who operated an undeclared police station in New York City. The FBI’s successful crackdown on Chinese secret agents made the RCMP’s struggle in countering similar threats pale in comparison. The law enforcement agency in Canada could barely take any actions except parking police vehicles in front of the suspected illegal police stations – “merely to show their presence”. The US foreign registry law prohibits individuals from covertly working for a foreign government without declaring it to the US authorities. However, the lack of a foreign registry makes such activity permissible in Canada.
新民主党议员关慧贞及对中国干预人士发起了一项新请愿,呼吁联邦政府迅速引入 - 并要求国会迅速通过 -外国代理登记法,以保障下一次联邦选举免受干预。关慧贞警告说,不要将拟议的外国登记制度与《排华法案》相提并论。请愿书写道:“绝不能将歧视所有的华人的反族裔主义行为,与仅约束那些是否是加国人士的代表外国政府游说者混为一谈”。这一新的请愿活动是加国人士对外国代理登记的强烈支持的真实写照,也为反驳特鲁多自由党的无稽之谈以及亲北京团体的抵制寻词提供了最佳证据。

NDP MP Jenny Kwan and vocal critics of China’s interference started a new petition calling the federal government and parliament to quickly pass foreign agent registry legislation to safeguard the next federal election. Kwan warns against comparing the proposed foreign registry against the registry with the Chinese Exclusion Act. "It is imperative not to conflate the racist Act, which discriminates against all Chinese, with the Registry, which applies only to those, Canadian or not, who lobby on behalf of foreign governments," reads the petition. The new petition attests to the strong support among Canadians for the foreign agent registry, offering compelling evidence to counter the unfounded concerns of the Trudeau Liberals and to dispel the narratives of pro-Beijing groups.




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