

Opinion: After Sikh Leader's Death, Trudeau's Liberals Must Guard Diaspora from Foreign Threats
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
特鲁多总理最近震惊地披露指控,印度国家派遣特工涉嫌为锡克教领袖Hardeep Singh Nijjar在 加拿大BC省惨遭不测的幕后黑手。外国特工在加拿大光天化日之下的残暴行为引发了对加国移民安全的担忧,使得保护新移民免遭外国势力暴行的问题成为广泛关注焦点。锡克教和穆斯林领袖呼吁加拿大采取更多措施,保护那些受到外国政府攻击对象的加国公民们。印度社区领袖称:“穆斯林、锡克教以及其他社区的成员多年来都向联邦政府提起这些担忧,但却未能引起加国政府的重视”。

政事马虎 乌龙必出 特鲁多还要闹多少丑闻?(观点)

PM Trudeau recently made a shocking revelation that alleged the agents of the India state were behind the killing of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in B.C. Canada. The foreign agent committing brutal killing in broad daylight in Canada has raised the concerns over safety of immigrants,  putting the protection of the newcomers from the violence of the foreign forces in the front and center. Sikh and Muslim leaders called on Canada to do more to protect citizens targeted by foreign actors. “ The members of Muslim, Sikh and other communities voiced such concerns to the federal government for years, with no action,” said the community leaders.

这一事件的曝光发生于在保守党议员庄文浩在美国国会就中国干涉发表证词之后不久。 庄文浩曾因带领加国议会投票将中共对维吾尔少数民族的迫害定性为种族灭绝而成为中共恐吓之目标,恐吓行动涉嫌驻多伦多领事馆的一名中国外交官。但当庄的香港的家人面临中国政府的恫吓时却未曾获得加国政府的保护。庄强调他遭遇只是“中国政府跨越国境打压国外异见人士的冰山一角”。中国政府一直密切监视那些与中国离心离德的学生运动倡导者,并在加拿大设立警察局对批评者和异议分子进行了跟踪。庄在证词中表示:“在大量未曾曝光的类似案件中,有大批受中共迫害打压者默默承受着痛苦和折磨。“

 Trudeau’s revelation followed Michael Chong's testimony on Beijing’s foreign interference before the US Congress. Mr. Chong, who led a parliament vote declaring CCP’s repression of Uyghur minority a genocide, became the target of Beijing’s alleged intimidation attempts involving a Chinese diplomat in the Toronto Consulate.   But the Canadian government offered him little support as his family in Hong Kong faced intimidation from Beijing.  “My case was just “one of the consequences of (China's) transnational repression,” said Chong. Beijing’s surveillance has targeted student activists perceived as unfriendly to the CCP, and its affiliated police stations in Canada kept tabs on critics and dissidents.  “Many, many other cases go unnoticed and unreported, and the victims suffer in silence," said Chong to the US lawmakers.

自由党对中国干预行动所将进行的公开调查之局限性更凸显出其对那些遭受北京打压的海外华裔之遭遇的漠视。国家安全专家们指出,公开调查内容几乎未涉及到敢于挑战北京人权侵犯的侨民所面临的骚扰和胁迫。 “那些最敢于挑战中共而直言不讳者却被公开调查所忽视,”卡尔顿大学的Carvin教授称:“这在某种程度上给人留下的印象是,自由党只在政客面临威胁时才关心这个问题,但对普通加国人士和华裔的遭遇漠然处之。”

The limited scope of the Liberals’ public inquiry has further unscored their seemingly indifference to the diaspora’s anguish stemming from Beijing’s expansive repression efforts. National security experts pointed out the public inquiry barely touches on the harassment and coercion faced by diaspora members daring to challenge Beijing’s human-rights abuses. “The people most vocal about this issue may be overlooked by the inquiry’s terms of reference,” observes Ms. Carvin from Carleton University. “It does kind of leave the impression that we only care about this issue when politicians are affected but not diaspora communities or everyday Canadians.”


A new report by human-rights lawyers states that Canada is not meeting its obligations to shield residents from foreign-originated repression. Many who seek a fresh start in Canada continue to face intimidation from authoritarian regimes they left behind. The report further highlights the inadequacy of mechanisms for reporting such incidents in Canada and notes a prevalent disappointment among victims due to insufficient responses from law enforcement."


Ottawa has shown reluctance to confront the foreign governments over its activities on Canadian territory – be it India or China.  Liberals’ MPs attended rallies that praised terrorist attacks to court the Sikh separatist vote. Moreover, according to the NSICOP document, Ottawa blocked CSIS planned in 2017 to shut down rapidly growing Indian intelligence networks targeting the Sikh community due to concerns over the “political sensitivity” and its potential impact on Ottawa’s relations with India. On the file of countering Beijing’s influence,  Ottawa's reluctance to adequately shield immigrants from China might also stem from its political calculations and reluctance to challenge Chinese state activities on Canadian soil. Trudeau and his Liberals, under the assumption that a majority of the Chinese diaspora remains loyal to Beijing, conflate the idea of anti-CCP sentiments with anti-Asian and cling to dial down on criticism against Beijing to avoid upsetting the diaspora. Meanwhile, some Liberal MPs had expressed concerns that more aggressive action against China tech giant Huawei may lead the party to face punishment from the immigrants from China at the ballot box. The Liberals misperception about the diaspora and its inadequate response to Beijing’s meddling efforts has inadvertently left those with dissenting views more exposed to Beijing’s intimidation.


Trudeau and his Liberal government have a legal obligation under the Vienna Convention to protect people within its borders against human-rights violations stemming from foreign interference. The legal obligation requires it to end its indulgence of  the aggressive behavior of the foreign states, and stop putting the safety and security of the diaspora communities to the back seat to advance its political agenda. The Liberals' immediate and appropriate actions will help repair its battered reputation for tackling foreign interference, helping prevent the foreign state  from committing more severe forms of human rights violations, including murder.




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