基辛格:中国人眼中的英雄 许多美国人眼中的伪君子(观点)
Beijing’s censorship obscured the darker aspect of Kissinger’s legacy in China
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
随着利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)近期去世,如何对这位世界上最著名的领导人之一的一生做出正确评价引发激烈的国际争论,这场辩论中,这位在塑造中美关系和地缘政治中扮演了关键角色之人物的职业生涯成为了焦点。由于看待这位历史上举足轻重的重要人物的视角不同,来自全球不同地区的人们对其评价也出现了两种极端不同的观点。在中国,他被认为是对中国的经济发展产生了最重大积极影响的人之一,而许多美国人则将他视为不择手段,竭力追求美国战后利益和影响力的外交政策制定者。基辛格是英雄还是伪君子?事实上,他在国际政治舞台上扮演了多重且复杂的角色 ,这一真相使人们在对重要历史人物盖棺定论时呈现多面性性和主观性暴露无遗。
外国干预调查听证将开始 陈国治、董瀚鹏有完全参与权
社论转载:在赴加国际学生问题上,“留下买路钱”只是问题的一半 还有一半是政客们的愚蠢

The recent passing of Henry Kissinger, one of the most prominent world leaders, has sparked a heated debate over his legacy, putting the contentious career that has played a pivotal role in shaping the China and US geopolitics under spotlight. Polarized opinions have emerged around this iconic figure as people from different parts of the world view him through a variety of lenses. In China, he was considered as one who made the most monumental positive impact on the country, whereas many Americans see him as a foreign policy maker best known for his relentless pursuit of power and interest for the postwar America. Is he a hero or a hypocrite? The truth might be that he embodies elements of both, reflecting the often multifaceted and subjective nature of historical legacies.
While global opinions on Kissinger vary, his influence in China is particularly notable. He is credited with playing a pivotal role in opening China -- the impoverished country of the 1970s to the world. His secret diplomatic mission in 1971, followed by President Nixon's visit, led to strengthened diplomatic and economic ties between China and the US., aiding China's integration into the global economy. China has since experienced decades of rapid economic growth, especially after joining the WTO, lifting millions out of poverty. The opening of diplomatic ties, facilitated by Kissinger, also opened paths for educational and cultural exchanges, allowing hundreds of thousands of Chinese students, including myself, to pursue a life changing educational opportunities aboard. After Kissinger’s death, expressions of gratitude flooded Chinese social media, valuing his contributions and commemorating him as a cherished friend of China.

However, while Chinese people experienced the benefits brought by Kissinger’s strategy, neighboring Southeast Asian countries faced a starkly different reality. Tens of thousands of civilian lives in Cambodia and Laos suffered devastation from US bombing campaign due to Kissinger’s foreign policy. From 1969 to 1973, the U.S. dropped an estimated 2.7 million tons of bombs on Cambodia., and over 270 cluster of bombs in Laos, more than the total bombing during the entirety of World War II. The bombing, intended to disrupt the North Vietnamese military supply lines, has caused widespread civilian casualties and intense long-term social, economic and environmental destruction in the two countries. Social chaos ensued in Cambodia, spurring the rise of Khmer Rouge that committed the Cambodian Genocide. Up to 30,000 people have been killed or injured by unexploded ordnance (UXO) in Laos since the bombing ended. As of today, unexploded bombs continue to cause casualties and impede economic development in Laos.

The bombing in Cambodia and Laos highlighted Kissinger’s unsentimental and ruthless foreign policy approach. He aggressively pursued American interests, prioritizing military and geopolitical goals over moral and humanitarian concerns. Yes, Kissinger did help China open to the world. "But he didn’t do it out of sympathy for the underprivileged Chinese people. Nor did he try to push the authoritarian state towards democracy. His actions were part of a carefully crafted and cunning strategy to advance America's geopolitical interests During the Cold War, opening to China helped deepen the Sino-Soviet split. It significantly advanced the US geopolitical agenda, altering the triangular dynamics of U.S.-Soviet-China relations.
然而,由于中国共产党对新闻的审查和控制,基辛格在的阴暗面中国公众视野中被遮盖了。北京的宣传攻势过分强调了基辛格在中美建立外交关系中的作用,却淡化了他包括在柬埔寨和老挝的无情轰炸等行动在内的颇招非议的外交决策。基辛格自己曾说:“重要的不是真相,而是人们所认为的真相。” 北京对基辛格功绩的大肆渲染是为达到宣传和展示中国迅速膨胀的地缘政治和在全球经济领域显著崛起的政治目的。然而,这场对基辛格一味吹捧的片面的宣传掩盖了重大政治,历史事件之真相,阻碍了中国公众对这位这位曾叱诧风云历史舞台之人物及其对中国的影响做出全面和公正的判断。
However, the CCP's censorship and control over news have obscured the darker aspects of Kissinger's legacy from the public's view in China. Beijing’s propaganda operation over-stressed Kissinger's role in opening diplomatic ties between China and the United State, while downplaying his controversial diplomatic decisions, including the m
erciless bombing campaign in Cambodia and Laos."It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true," said Kissinger himself. Beijing’s carefully crafted narrative conspires with its agenda that signifies China’s rapidly growing geopolitical power and its remarkable rise in the global economy. However, this narrative has resulted in a distorted public perception of Kissinger’s career and his impact on China, impeding a comprehensive and balanced understanding of history and the complex legacy of this significant figure.

外国干预调查听证将开始 陈国治、董瀚鹏有完全参与权
社论转载:在赴加国际学生问题上,“留下买路钱”只是问题的一半 还有一半是政客们的愚蠢
The recent passing of Henry Kissinger, one of the most prominent world leaders, has sparked a heated debate over his legacy, putting the contentious career that has played a pivotal role in shaping the China and US geopolitics under spotlight. Polarized opinions have emerged around this iconic figure as people from different parts of the world view him through a variety of lenses. In China, he was considered as one who made the most monumental positive impact on the country, whereas many Americans see him as a foreign policy maker best known for his relentless pursuit of power and interest for the postwar America. Is he a hero or a hypocrite? The truth might be that he embodies elements of both, reflecting the often multifaceted and subjective nature of historical legacies.
While global opinions on Kissinger vary, his influence in China is particularly notable. He is credited with playing a pivotal role in opening China -- the impoverished country of the 1970s to the world. His secret diplomatic mission in 1971, followed by President Nixon's visit, led to strengthened diplomatic and economic ties between China and the US., aiding China's integration into the global economy. China has since experienced decades of rapid economic growth, especially after joining the WTO, lifting millions out of poverty. The opening of diplomatic ties, facilitated by Kissinger, also opened paths for educational and cultural exchanges, allowing hundreds of thousands of Chinese students, including myself, to pursue a life changing educational opportunities aboard. After Kissinger’s death, expressions of gratitude flooded Chinese social media, valuing his contributions and commemorating him as a cherished friend of China.

However, while Chinese people experienced the benefits brought by Kissinger’s strategy, neighboring Southeast Asian countries faced a starkly different reality. Tens of thousands of civilian lives in Cambodia and Laos suffered devastation from US bombing campaign due to Kissinger’s foreign policy. From 1969 to 1973, the U.S. dropped an estimated 2.7 million tons of bombs on Cambodia., and over 270 cluster of bombs in Laos, more than the total bombing during the entirety of World War II. The bombing, intended to disrupt the North Vietnamese military supply lines, has caused widespread civilian casualties and intense long-term social, economic and environmental destruction in the two countries. Social chaos ensued in Cambodia, spurring the rise of Khmer Rouge that committed the Cambodian Genocide. Up to 30,000 people have been killed or injured by unexploded ordnance (UXO) in Laos since the bombing ended. As of today, unexploded bombs continue to cause casualties and impede economic development in Laos.

The bombing in Cambodia and Laos highlighted Kissinger’s unsentimental and ruthless foreign policy approach. He aggressively pursued American interests, prioritizing military and geopolitical goals over moral and humanitarian concerns. Yes, Kissinger did help China open to the world. "But he didn’t do it out of sympathy for the underprivileged Chinese people. Nor did he try to push the authoritarian state towards democracy. His actions were part of a carefully crafted and cunning strategy to advance America's geopolitical interests During the Cold War, opening to China helped deepen the Sino-Soviet split. It significantly advanced the US geopolitical agenda, altering the triangular dynamics of U.S.-Soviet-China relations.
然而,由于中国共产党对新闻的审查和控制,基辛格在的阴暗面中国公众视野中被遮盖了。北京的宣传攻势过分强调了基辛格在中美建立外交关系中的作用,却淡化了他包括在柬埔寨和老挝的无情轰炸等行动在内的颇招非议的外交决策。基辛格自己曾说:“重要的不是真相,而是人们所认为的真相。” 北京对基辛格功绩的大肆渲染是为达到宣传和展示中国迅速膨胀的地缘政治和在全球经济领域显著崛起的政治目的。然而,这场对基辛格一味吹捧的片面的宣传掩盖了重大政治,历史事件之真相,阻碍了中国公众对这位这位曾叱诧风云历史舞台之人物及其对中国的影响做出全面和公正的判断。
However, the CCP's censorship and control over news have obscured the darker aspects of Kissinger's legacy from the public's view in China. Beijing’s propaganda operation over-stressed Kissinger's role in opening diplomatic ties between China and the United State, while downplaying his controversial diplomatic decisions, including the m
erciless bombing campaign in Cambodia and Laos."It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true," said Kissinger himself. Beijing’s carefully crafted narrative conspires with its agenda that signifies China’s rapidly growing geopolitical power and its remarkable rise in the global economy. However, this narrative has resulted in a distorted public perception of Kissinger’s career and his impact on China, impeding a comprehensive and balanced understanding of history and the complex legacy of this significant figure.