
Stomach cancer remains a significant health concern, particularly within East Asian countries and communities where incidence rates are notably high on a global scale. With Canadian Stomach Cancer Awareness Day approaching on November 30th, medical experts and survivors alike are urging greater awareness of early signs, lifestyle risks, and the importance of proactive health measures for those in at-risk groups. For Vancouver’s Dr. Howard Lim, an oncologist with BC Cancer, spreading this knowledge is essential in helping prevent cases from advancing undetected.
饮食习惯在胃癌高发率中起着关键作用,”林医生解释道,“发酵和腌制食品,比如pickles and kimchi等是常常出现在许多东亚国家饮食习惯中,但过量食用与胃癌风险增加有关。”虽然适量食用这些食物无害,但东亚饮食中较高的食用频率和数量可能会引起健康隐患。林医生建议找到适当的平衡,尤其是对于在北美仍保留传统饮食习惯的移民来说。除了饮食之外,幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori 或 H. pylori)等因素也会增加胃癌的风险,但其影响程度目前仍在争论中。而一些东亚国家典型的饮食模式被认为对癌症发病率的影响更大。
“Diet plays a critical role,” explains Dr. Lim. “Fermented and preserved foods—like pickles and kimchi—are predominately in many East Asian diets, but overconsumption has been linked to increased stomach cancer risks.” While these foods are not harmful in moderation, the higher frequency and quantity typical in East Asian diets could raise concerns. Dr. Lim suggests finding a balance in how much you consume, particularly for immigrants who maintain traditional diets in North America. Beyond diet, factors like the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) also contribute to stomach cancer risks, though the extent of this impact is still debated. The dietary patterns typical in some East Asian countries are believed to have a stronger impact on cancer rates.
For Carlos Parra, a Burnaby resident diagnosed with stomach cancer two years ago, awareness became a crucial part of his journey. After experiencing persistent discomfort, Parra was diagnosed with an aggressive stage 2 stomach cancer that required both chemotherapy and a full gastrectomy. “Hearing I needed to have my stomach removed was devastating,” Parra recalls, “but understanding the process and risks helped me prepare.” The surgery, conducted in March 2023, removed his entire stomach, 21 lymph nodes, and a portion of his esophagus. Today, Parra is cancer-free and determined to help others recognize the symptoms before it’s too late.
Symptoms of stomach cancer are often mistaken for less serious digestive issues, which contributes to late diagnosis. Signs include food sticking or difficulty swallowing, frequent vomiting, and unintentional weight loss of 10-15 pounds over a month or two. “In Asian countries where stomach cancer rates are high, there is more routine screening,” Dr. Lim notes. “But in North America, because the overall rate is lower, screening tends to be more targeted, focusing on individuals who are at higher risk.”
早期发现的重要性显而易见。随着胃癌治疗的进步,如果及早发现,该疾病是高度可治疗的,甚至可以治愈。加拿大胃癌基金会‘My Gut Feeling’等倡导组织正在积极推动宣传活动。据‘My Gut Feeling’网站介绍,他们在11月30日发起的全球性活动,将各地地标建筑点以紫蓝色点亮,象征着给与患者的希望之光,并提醒人们警惕这一常被称为‘无声杀手’的疾病。
The importance of early detection is clear. Advances in stomach cancer treatment mean that if caught early, the disease is highly treatable and even curable. Advocacy groups like My Gut Feeling, Canada’s Stomach Cancer Foundation, are leading efforts to promote awareness. According to the My Gut Feeling website, their global initiative to illuminate landmarks in periwinkle blue on November 30th represents a beacon of hope for those affected and a reminder of the importance of vigilance against this often 'silent killer'.
For Parra, the journey to recovery wasn’t easy, involving side effects from chemotherapy, learning to swallow without a stomach, and coping with weight loss. Yet, he is grateful for the support of his family, friends, and healthcare team. “This experience has changed my outlook on life,” Parra reflects. “I’m grateful to be able to share my story and raise awareness. If just one person gets checked early because of this, it’s worth it.”
Patient advocacy plays a crucial role in driving advancements in treatment and support networks. As gastric cancer oncologists like Dr. Lim continue research into the unique genetic, microbial, and dietary factors affecting stomach cancer, education and proactive healthcare become powerful tools for communities at higher risk. For these communities, awareness can truly mean the difference between life and death. The journey to reducing stomach cancer’s impact begins with awareness, early screening, and making informed lifestyle choices—a message that Carlos Parra and Dr. Lim hope to echo throughout Canada and beyond.