
今夏丝可植物奶(Silk Milk)爆发的李斯特菌疫情导致20名加拿大人患病,3人丧生,该丑闻让我震惊不已。和许多忠实消费者一样,我曾坚信每天饮用丝可植物奶是一个健康的饮食习惯。虽然我没像有些病患那样因细菌感染而卧床不起,但在感染高发时期也曾出现恶心和类似流感的症状。事后回想起来,我可能也是在不知情的情况下不幸沦为的细菌受害者之一。
The Silk Milk listeria outbreak this summer, which sickened 20 Canadians and claimed three lives, has shaken me to my core. Like many loyal customers, I believed I was making a healthy choice by consuming Silk Milk daily. While I didn’t become as violently ill as some victims, I recall feeling nauseous and experiencing flu-like symptoms during the height of the outbreak. In hindsight, I may have been among the many Canadians unknowingly impacted by this tragedy.
What makes this exposure particularly unsettling is how it undermined my unwavering trust in Canadian-produced food. As a Chinese Canadian, I've been keenly aware of the risks associated with imported foods, particularly those from China. Canada’s reputation for having some of the world’s highest food safety standards gave me a sense of security—until now.
For years, my concerns about food safety primarily revolved around Chinese imports. The 2008 melamine milk scandal remains etched in my memory. Over 300,000 people fell ill, nearly 54,000 children were hospitalized with kidney stones and other complications, and six infants tragically lost their lives. Dairy producers, driven by competitive pressures, diluted milk to cut costs and added melamine to artificially boost protein test results.
This crisis was just one of many systemic failures in China’s food industry. Scandals such as the gutter oil fiasco, where used cooking oil was illegally recycled and resold, and the clenbuterol pork case, where a banned substance was used to produce leaner meat, revealed a troubling disregard for public health in the pursuit of profit. Contaminated seafood, often raised in polluted waters, further compounded the risks faced by consumers.
These scandals reached beyond China, affecting countries like Canada, a significant importer of Chinese food products. In 2008, Canadian pet owners were devastated when melamine-contaminated pet food, traced back to tainted wheat gluten imported from China, caused widespread illness and kidney failure in their beloved dogs and cats. In response, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) implemented stricter measures on imports, pulling tainted products from shelves and intensifying inspections. Canadian consumers became increasingly wary of imported foods, turning instead to locally produced or trusted international brands.
My growing distrust of food products from scandal-plagued countries only strengthened my confidence in Canadian-made products. I often felt grateful for the peace of mind that came with choosing domestic food—until that trust was shaken by the troubling vulnerabilities in Canada’s own food safety system. .
The Listeria outbreak wasn’t caused by imported products but by a locally produced, plant-based milk—one many Canadians trusted implicitly. The CFIA’s reliance on algorithms to assign inspections, along with its heavy dependence on self-reported data from food manufacturers, allowed the Pickering facility responsible for the outbreak to evade meaningful scrutiny. Shockingly, the facility hadn’t been inspected for Listeria since at least 2019.
Moreover, a Globe and Mail investigation revealed that nearly one-fifth of Canada’s federally licensed food-production facilities have not been assessed for risk by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, relying instead on a default low-risk designation. Even more alarmingly, the Listeria responsible for this outbreak was traced back to bacteria first detected a year earlier, indicating that it was allowed to grow, spread, and ultimately harm more consumers—all under the CFIA’s radar.
The outbreak not only exposed significant flaws in the CFIA’s system but also left Canadian consumers in a difficult position. For those who relied on local products to mitigate risks associated with imports, this scandal deeply undermined their confidence. How can we trust our food safety system when even domestically produced goods fail to uphold the high standards we once believed were guaranteed?
The Silk Milk outbreak serves as a wake-up call for both regulators and consumers. It highlights the pressing need for systemic reform within the CFIA to guarantee rigorous inspections, independent verification of data, and accountability for companies. Food safety is as fundamental as clean air and water—there is simply no room for complacency.
Furthermore, the absence of rigorous oversight not only undermines compliance but also creates fertile ground for fraudulent practices. This environment enables food producers to cut corners or even deliberately adulterate products in pursuit of higher profits. Strengthening surveillance and ensuring accountability are essential for rebuilding trust in Canada’s food safety system among consumers like me and for preventing the emergence of scandals akin to those seen in China, right here at home.