
别当投资骗局的受害者: 采访加拿大金融调查署CEO

Trust, but Verify: An Interview with Doug Melville
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Doug Melville,OBSI现任总裁。图片由National Post提供。


As newcomers from China have brought in a large amount of assets, they have a strong demand for financial services in Canada. But the growing interactions with the wealth management industry have also led to an increasing number of disputes between newcomers and financial institutions.


It could be that an investment strategy was completely inappropriate to your financial means, or that you’ve lost your life savings to an alleged investment scam.  But disputes with financial institutions arise when your requests for compensation are rejected. When two parties reach an impasse, they are likely to see Mr. Melville.


Trained as a lawyer and with decades of experience in financial services, Mr. Melville, the head of OBSI, has directed and supervised an agency that serves as the last resort for customers who believe they were wronged by financial institutions.  Resolving hundreds of complaints each year, the agency helps level the playing field and protects consumers from blatant abuse.



Mr. Melville has a strong personal connection with the Chinese community.  During his early years in his career journey, he had earned Ontario Jiangsu Scholar and attended a scholarship program in a Chinese university. Many of his extended family members are also from the Chinese community.



Newcomers from China face challenges as they adapt to the new financial environment in Canada, and these challenges have deeply concerned Mr. Melville. Chinese immigrants lack English language skills and are unfamiliar with the financial and legal systems in Canada, leaving them vulnerable to unethical financial practices or even criminal activities. 



 We’ve seen Chinese people were put into heavily leveraged investments as they borrowed against their house and made loans…We’ve seen cases where people got into financial troubles as they fall victim to outright frauds,” Melville says.


Affinity fraud, where victims blindly trust the misrepresentations from friends and relatives, has drawn more victims from the ethnic communities compared to mainstream Canadians.  Lacking trust of regulatory channels but over-relying on personal relationships has put many newcomers at the risk of becoming victims of financial scams.



Church community –fertile soil for affinity fraud



Predators know where to find their prey. Church -- where faith is shared, and networks are established -- has provided great opportunities for unscrupulous individuals to tap into the trust of innocent newcomers.



“In many cases, people have their first networks established in the church community. Often, newcomers naively rely on other church members to take care of their interests, while the other person was busy looking after their own,” says Melville. “Fraudsters can get very rich by betraying other people’s trust.”



According to the CSA (Canadian Securities Administrators), a growing number of individuals with a Chinese last name appear on the regulator’s list of being thrown out of the profession for foul play.


Saddened by the rising victims in the community, Mr. Melville calls for heightened alert against fraud.


 “Dealing with the aftermath of victims is the sad part of our work. It really is,” said Melville. “While everyone suffers from greed at various times in their life, you should be careful when something is too good to be true.”



Melville recently announced that he is leaving OBSI for a new Ombudsman role for Channel Islands in Europe. Before his departure, Melville offered his advice to the Chinese community:  “Don’t be a victim. If you want to deal with people within the community, that is great.  But make sure that these are people from real firms, regulated with a good record of serving the community.


“There is an expression in English: Trust, but Verify. It is fine to trust but don’t trust blindly. Always know who you’re dealing with.”







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