

Sinister schemes at voter registration tables
来源: Bob Mok
为了落实政党的执政纲领,提高政党的既得利益,各种肮脏手段在以往的政治选举中层出不穷。Bob Mok在本专栏系列的第三篇文章中揭露了投票登记台前的种种卑劣伎俩。欲参照系列前文的读者,请点击http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/661625
Dirty election tactics have been deployed in the previous elections to set a political party’s agenda and advance its interest. In the third article of his column series, Bob Mok writes to expose various sinister schemes at voter registration tables. For the earlier articles see http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/661625
On the nomination day, more opportunities are available to further the execution of more sinister schemes. The end result is to make sure that supporters for the “preferred” nominee gets to vote while disqualifying the opponents' supporters. Discrepancies on names, addresses, etc can all be excuses used to exclude non-supporters.  Of course, the personnel manning the credential checkpoints are crucial in exercising discretionary powers to make sure that the “preferred” voters get through and get their ballots for voting while the “opponent” voters are eliminated on technicalities.

The eligible voters list available at the credential table may not be update properly when party members move in and out of the riding. This condition presents an opportunity for the manipulators. Some of the residential movements are legitimate changes while many can be fictitious ones to manipulate and increase available votes for various factions. It is therefore advantageous to control the personnel at the credential table where identities are verified and a determination is made to include or exclude members from voting.

Some times, there are more ballots counted in the boxes than recorded voters due to sloppy execution at the credentials table. Reporting of ballot stuffing (folding multiple ballot forms together and stuffing them into the box by one single person) are seldom – but they do happen. If these have to be eliminated, the voting area will have to set up just like the polling stations at election time when each voter name is crossed off on the list before a single ballot is handed out for immediate voting. Each voter will then fold up a single completed ballot and return it to an officer who will place it into a ballot box in front of everyone.

Other alleged tactic used including a drawn-out process to register the voters slowly and cutting off the line-up once the voting hours are up. That will require the organizing of “preferred” voters to show up at the earliest time to vote and cutting out the “opponent” voters chances to do their voting. 

When it comes to ballot counting, not much can be done to affect the results as there will be scrutineers from every nominee's camp to monitor the activity. 

The political nominee selection and election process for both of the Provincial and Federal levels need to be reformed. The motivations for these nasty activities described above are driven by cultural, heritage, and ideological lines. These current infighting and unethical practices drive a wedge between different factions of the parties. The hurtful feelings will linger on and harm the parties in the long run. 

Winning candidates selected from nominees are supposed to be working for everyone within the riding, not just any special heritage or interest groups. I hope readers and voters will reflect on this article and rise up and demand changes from their political parties and make these nomination meetings  into fair and clean contests in future.



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