

Why does Ford still hold steady popularity?


Mayor Ford is still in a media tailspin weeks after he was caught on video smoking crack cocaine. The news covering the scandals, the discussions about his behavior, the gossip and speculation on more possible scandals appears on every TV, radio, website and newspaper, creating a media circus. And it seems that this circus is nowhere near an end.

很多人都在指责福特 - 他破坏了城市的声誉,他玷污了多伦多的形象,他不诚实的行为误导了多伦多民众,他的一系列不光彩行丢了大家的脸。很显然,作为加拿大最大城市的市长,他与市民所期翼高道德标准相去甚远。

Many people are pointing a finger at Mayor Ford – he damaged the city’s reputation; he tarnished the brand of Toronto; He is dishonest and misled Torontonians, and he has revealed a slew of disgraceful behaviour. Apparently, as the mayor of the largest city in Canada, he falls far short of the high moral standards expected by the citizens.


And now the impact of his misconduct seems to have extended far beyond the political horizon: he was blamed for the rising costs for the city to borrow from the bond market, and now a new website has been launched to recruit plaintiffs for a class action lawsuit against the mayor, seeking $520 million in damages to the city’s brand caused by Ford as the mayor.


But the mayor seems to be a polarizing figure – while some hate him, some do love him.

尽管市长福特在多伦多闹的天翻地覆,但是许多民众对福特的酗酒和毒品问题上显示出了极大地宽容,并在其名声扫地的情况下一直与他为伍。市长的群众基础非常深厚,以至于最近的Ipsos Reid民调显示他的支持率高达43%。“福特民众(the Ford Nation”,许多多伦多民众包括许多多伦多华人,似乎都是福特坚实的后盾。

Despite the serious drama the mayor has brought to the city, many people  are so forgiving of his indulgences in drinking and drugs, and are hanging on tough with him. The mayor has a very strong support base. A recent Ipsos Reid poll indicates that, his approval rating remains as high as 43%. The Ford Nation is behind him, many Torontonians support him and a lot of Chinese community members like him.


There are profound reasons for why Ford has retained a steady popularity. Ford typically represents hundreds of thousands of ordinary and everyday guys in our daily lives. He is one of us. He is authentic, and in this sense he is honest.


As human beings, who does not have flaws and personal problems? How many of us do not carry baggage with messy personal lives or dirty laundry – from drug and alcohol abuse, to extramarital affairs? And as a politician, how many of them are corrupt, and have abused taxpayers’ money? And among the powerful people, authority figures, and political or business elites, how many of them still enjoy the public’s admiration, simply because their dirty secrets have not been under the media flashlight, or they have been carefully swept under the carpet?


Ford is not a corrupt mayor. Unlike the provincial liberals who squandered over $10 billion of taxpayers’ money for their own interest, Ford has worked hard to stop the gravy train, and to protect the interest of taxpayers.


Apparently, for Ford supporters, they believe him more as an authentic person than a smooth-talking intellectual who knows the best way to use their charisma to woo the public while dragging the city into deep debt.

此外,福特关心那些在社会最底层的民众。用他自己的话说,他的工作就是“为普通市民而战”。他任贫民区孩子们的橄榄球教练,他会给一名普通的市民回电话。根据Ipsos Reid调查机构分析福特的支持者,其中大部分是低收入者( 54 %收入低于59,000 ),与低学历(72 %低于大学学历)。

Moreover, Ford cares about those who are at the bottom of society.  And using his own words, his job is to “fight for the little guys”.  He coached football games for kids living in poor neighbourhood, and he returns all phone calls from ordinary citizens. According to an Ipsos Reid analysis on Ford supporters, the majority of them are low income earners, (54% making less than 59,000); with low education (72% without university education).


Unsurprisingly, many of his supporters are immigrants. Undoubtedly, it is this demographic that needs a mayor like Ford. Remember, no matter what position they hold, how much they make, whether they are a university graduate or not, they stand equal as those society favored individuals at the ballot box.  Their inferiority will not take away the value of their voting right, which is offered by our democratic society.




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