
进口食品安检: CFIA新规定如何影响消费者(四)

Exploring CFIA Food Inspection System (IV)
来源: Bob Mok


Amid public concerns over safety of imported food products, the CFIA has proposed changes to enhance the licensing requirements for the imported agricultural products. However, with the consultations on the proposed amendments underway, it is speculated that some importers from the Chinese community may not have committed themselves or got involved in the process.

For the previous article in this series, please visit:


In our last article in this series, we dealt with the process for notifying CFIA for inspection, the inspection requirements and corrective actions. All or most of these activities will be new to importers for regular foodstuffs other than Fish Product license holders.


These possible “additional” requirements to current practices will bring hardships and adjustments initially. It would also serve to eliminate the smaller importers as they will not be able to comply with the new requirement without further injection of capital and human resources to meet them.


One other aspect of CFIA requirements that importers may have to handle is the “Health and Safety Investigations” already instituted under the Fish Import licenses.  Before the importers can comply with this, they must first establish a system of proper traceability of items sold. The investigation system is in effect a precursor to the identification and “recall” of items at all levels of distribution.


Importers will have to keep retrievable records as to where an item under investigation comes from - starting with the transaction number at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and follow through to who bought the item and when it was sold.


The “Health and Safety Investigations” are initiated when complaints and information questioning the safety of a product are received by the importer. Sources of these inquiries may come from consumers, merchants suspecting problems, or even CFIA itself. Complaints and information received are deemed valid if the importer has determined through the investigation that:
1) The involved item(s) were indeed imported by the importer. 2) Complaint or information concerns a real or potential illness or injury.


The importer must document and investigate and notify CFIA of a confirmed health and safety issue within 24 hours of its confirmation. This will allow CFIA to determine and take necessary actions to effect the protection of public safety.


Once again, this will formalize the system and put the onus on the importer to take action on their own to start any investigations. Ultimately, merchants who purchased the items downstream of the importer will have to remove items from their shelves if a recall is initiated. This is why the importers must keep meticulous records on their sales.


The new “Imported Food Sector Product Regulations” was identified in the Government–wide Forward Regulatory Plans. This proposed new regulation would establish licensing requirements for the importation of agricultural products not regulated under CFIA commodity-specific regulations.


Consultations on the proposed amendments have already been conducted. Whether the Chinese importers were involved extensively in this process cannot be determined by this writer. Based on past experience, it is likely that the input from that sector is probably inadequate or that they are totally uninvolved in the consultation process due to their language barriers, or the fact that they are unable to realize its significant impact on their business bottom line.


We will attempt to look into the scope of items that will be covered by this new proposed regulation in the next article.



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