Immigration history may explain why there are two camps in Chinese community in Canada today
来源: Bob Mok

In Canada, the origin of modern political awareness of multiculturalism started with the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism in the 1960's. Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Father of Justin Trudeau – the current Prime Minister) declared in 1971 that Canada would adopt multicultural policy that would recognize and respect its society that included diversity in languages, customs, and religions.
In 1982, multiculturalism was recognized by section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act was subsequently enacted by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney at that time.

The multiculturalism intentions are noble and good but not their interpretation and implementation. Today, we are looking at groupings of different peoples congregating in enclaves and practising their own cultural traditions in their native languages from their countries of origin. In effect, these are self-sustaining groups that do not have any motivations to mingle with other Canadians and merge themselves with the mainstream society. This condition is unsatisfactory in itself but we are now looking at an even bigger problem. Within these groups, new fractures have created yet more polarizing fractions due to political influences from the motherlands.
Take the Chinese population in Canada, for example. The people of Chinese heritage has undergone a slow “cell splitting” operation over the past two decades and polarized into two camps : “Mainland Chinese” and “All others of Chinese heritage”. Much like the situation described in the earlier paragraph, each group becomes more cohesive within its own constituents and views the other group as aliens.

To understand why this happens we have to go back in time and look at the Canadian immigration history and patterns for people of Chinese heritage. In the 1800's, around 15,000 Chinese workers are recruited from China's coastal provinces to complete the last leg of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) in British Columbia. The infamous “Head Tax” of $50 was implemented in 1885 and eventually raised to $500 in 1903 – a princely sum of money at that time.
The Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 (also known as the Chinese Exclusion Act) nearly bans Chinese immigration to Canada. This effectively arrested the growth of the Chinese population for the next 44 years until 1967. That year, the federal government revises the Immigration Act issuing one set of rules for all applicants from all countries. Immigration to Canada starts to increase but not for the Chinese from Mainland since they were still a “closed country” under Chairman Mao's rule.

My family came to Canada from Hong Kong in 1967 for a visit to EXPO 67 in Montreal (that was the Canada centennial) and we fell in love with this country. The immigration process got started within Canada and we got our landing papers a year later. At that time, very few from Hong Kong have the intentions and means for meeting the immigration requirements to be accepted to Canada and it continued for the next decade with few exceptions. Other peoples of Chinese heritage from other Asian Countries contributed to a limited increase in the “Chinese” population during this time.
It was rare for us to spot other Chinese looking people unless we visit the then Chinatown behind the City Hall downtown. It was a very small strip of land with 3 Chinese restaurants and most Chinese were second generation Chinese from Toishan, Guangdong province. Many spoke a local Toishan dialect and they had special speaking phrases different from Cantonese for objects like “Police” (Green coats) , and “Telephone” (the Yelling Line) This dialect is passed onto their next generation only to be lost in subsequent ones through integration with society.
In 1973, the Canadian Immigration Amnesty Program came along. Persons who had lived in Canada continuously since Nov. 30, 1972, had 60 days in which to apply for permanent residence. The amnesty, supported by all the major political parties, benefited mostly American draft dodgers, and 39,000 people obtained landed immigrant status under it. Many Chinese students from Hong Kong benefited from this program, including some of my friends. These people were studying in universities and they eventually sponsored their parents and siblings for family reunion after their graduations.
Next time, we will continue with the immigration history on the “Chinese” in Canada. When we are all caught up with the immigration statistics, we will understand how the Chinese population becomes what it is today and why there are two camps within it.
