

Rod Philips resignation won't put Queen's Park's hypocrisy scandal to an end
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

(大中报/096.ca 特稿)安省财政厅长菲利普斯在疫情肆虐,全省封城的时候前往加热带群岛圣巴斯度假。当安省居民受疫情之灾困扰,惶惶不可终日之际,一名内阁厅长飞往度假天堂欢度圣诞节实为令人不齿和气愤之举。但是一些安省政府官员为了替其掩盖行踪开脱责任而以谎言欺骗大众的行径更是令人震惊,发指。
Ontario Finance Minister Rod Philips headed to the tropical island St. Barts for vacation, while the entire province is in a lockdown amidst the war on the virus. A cabinet minister seeking a Christmas getaway to vacation paradise as Ontarians struggle with a growing pandemic crisis is appalling and outrageous. However, the lies, deceptions, and the attempts from the Queen’s Park to hide his location and cover up his tracks are all the more shocking and intolerable.

Worrying about how the public reacts to his vacation trip, Mr. Philips colluded with his staff in orchestrating a social media scheme to deceive Canadians of his actual whereabouts. On Dec. 15, a tweet from his account showed a photo of him and a group of colleagues making a funding announcement in Durham. He appeared in a video on Dec. 16 against an artificial background of Queen's Park, wearing a winter sweater. On Dec. 18, another tweet said he stopped by a business in Ajax on the previous weekend. On Dec. 24, a tweet from his accounts described the "sacrifices" Canadians make this Christmas. It turns out that his staff sent out all of these pre-prepared materials while he was frolicking under the tropical sun on the most expensive Caribbean island.

Mr. Philips's "phony-baloney" was on display while Premier Ford knew perfectly well that his cabinet Minister was thousands of miles away from his office. Mr. Premier also seemed complicit in covering Philips' tracks. He made statements initially by implying he wasn't aware of Philips' travel plan but changed his tone the next day by admitting that he knew about Philips leaving the country. He said that he only found it out two weeks ago after the Minister arrived in the Caribbean Island.

但福特的这番说辞在自由党省议员看来根本站不住脚,因而遭到反对党的猛烈抨击。自由党党领Del Duca表示:“所有厅长的出省旅行计划都会通知省长办公室,这以是省府内的长期惯例。”省议员Stephen Blais在给福特的公开信中称:”在全省每天新冠病例高达2000多起之际,你内阁内职位最高的厅长却可以在你毫不知情的情况下离省出国两个星期,这根本无法让人相信。“
Mr. Ford's narratives just won’t hold water, which prompted a heated backlash from the Liberal MPPs. "It is a long-established practice that ministers notify the Premier's office of all out of province travel, "said MPP Del Duca."It is not believable that the most senior Minister in your cabinet could leave the country for two weeks without your knowledge when the province reports over 2000 cases every day," wrote MPP Stephen Blais in an open letter. He urged the Premier to come clean about when the Minister told him about his traveling plans.

The Premier's hypocrisy didn't stop there. Knowing Philips violated the provincial guidelines, he did not ask him to return immediately until the story turned into a political storm. He said he was for the little guys but turned a blind eye when a big guy's flaunted rules to pursue a high life, using Twitter deception to mislead the little guys.


Mayor John Tory said Philips was a human being who made a "regrettable mistake" with an ill-timed vacation. But the public doesn't excuse the Minister for his "human error." Public outrage erupted as a growing number of “little guys” feel fooled, disrespected, and violated by Queens Park. "By doing nothing two weeks ago, Ford gave Philips the OK to stay in St. Barts," an Ontarian tweeted. "The video has him using Queens Park background – a deliberate choice to deceive people into thinking he was still in Ontario. It is the next level of dishonesty from the PC party. "

Mr. Philips resigned as the public anger over the hypocrisy scandal reached a fever pitch. He took all the blame on himself and apologized profusely. However, the public will continue to hold those involved in these cheating and cover-up schemes accountable – the Premier included. Philips's resignation will not put Queens Park's hypocrisy scandal to an end.





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