
中英对照: 想进出安省各类场所 你需要什么样的疫苗证书?

What kind of vaccine certificate do you need to enter and exit various places in Ontario?
来源: Bob Mok
从本周三、2021年9月22日起,你必须提供身份证明和已完全接种疫苗的证书才能进安省的某些场所。2021 年9月22日至10月22日期间,你去餐馆必须出示打印的或电子疫苗证书。这是在目前已经实施的检测是否有新冠症状,跟踪来客记录基础上的的抗疫措施的补充。
As of September 22, 2021, you must provide proof of identification and proof of being fully vaccinated to access certain businesses and settings in Ontario. Between September 22 and October 22, 2021, a patron must show a paper or digital version of the PDF receipt. This is in addition to the current requirement of screening and recording of contact information already practised.

2021年10月22日之后,安大略省将颁发很容易扫描的 (QR) 代码的疫苗证书。你要示打印的或电子版的疫苗证书,或打印的或电子版的二维码打疫苗证书才能进一些场所。这些证书必须与带照片的政府身份文件一起使用,以进行验证。这是防止有人使用别人的疫苗证书混入一些场所。
After October 22, 2021 an enhanced vaccine certificate with a Quick Response (QR) code will be in place and issued by the Province of Ontario. A patron may present a paper or digital version of the PDF receipt or a paper or digital version of the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code to gain access to designated settings. These forms of certificates have to be used in conjunction with a government photo identification document for verification purposes. The rationale behind this is to prevent people from using someone else's certificate to avoid getting their own vaccinations.

With the introduction of these certificates, there is now confusion as to the necessity to continue the existing practices of screening and record of visitation to the premises. Some people even think that the certificates will replace the other requirements. They never thought of this as an “addition” to the requirement since this will mean more work for their staff.
There are many ways to fulfill the vaccination requirement but most people will think that only vaccination doses approved by Health Canada will be accepted. Many have concerns over foreign-issued vaccination certificates and their acceptability in Canada.
The Government documents tell us that a person is considered fully vaccinated after receiving either:

两针Moderna、Pfizer-BioNTech、AstraZeneca(包括 CoviShield)疫苗的任意组合(加拿大卫生部批准的疫苗);
Two vaccinations doses using Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca (including CoviShield) in any combination (the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada);
一剂或两剂未经加拿大卫生部批准的疫苗,但又打了一剂加拿大卫生部批准的新冠mRNA 疫苗;
One or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by Health Canada followed by one dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine authorized by Health Canada; or
Three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by Health Canada.

Lastly, you must also receive your final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before providing the proof of being fully vaccinated.
Proof of vaccination from outside of Ontario will be accepted if the person’s name and date of birth on their identification document matches the vaccination receipt with name and date of birth and if the person is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as specified by Ontario Regulation 364/20. Individuals visiting from outside the province or the country will be required to show their full vaccination status and identification to enter the specified settings referenced in Ontario Regulation 364/20. This may require showing one or more pieces of information.
在安大略省或加拿大以外地区接种一剂或两剂 COVID-19 疫苗的安大略省居民可以通过当地公共卫生部门登记其疫苗证书。如果来自国外的疫苗接种收据或身份证明用的是外文,你要去的场所有权利要求提供翻译副本。
Ontario residents who received their first dose or both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine outside Ontario or Canada can register their vaccination records through their local public health unit. If the vaccination receipt or proof of identity from out of country is in a language that the business or organization cannot use to verify the documents, the business or organization may request a translated copy in addition to the original receipt.

So where will the vaccination certificates be required to be presented for indoor admittance? They include:
Meeting and event spaces, including conference and convention centres; food or drink establishments with dance facilities, including nightclubs and restoclubs; restaurants, bars, and other food and drink establishments without dance facilities; facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities, including waterparks and personal fitness training; casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments; concert venues, theatres and cinemas; bathhouses, sex clubs and strip clubs; racing venues; where commercial film and TV productions take place with studio audiences.
Of course, there are those who also labelled the vaccination certificates as an Orwellian measure implemented by the government on their way to a “Social Behaviour Credit System” whose purpose is to restrict and/or punish citizens based on behaviour much like those practised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Vaccination Passports or their equivalent will no doubt be used soon all over the world for travelling purposes. These documents are controversial items and the subject showed up in political debates during the recent Federal Election. Vaccination certificates will stay with us and become part of our daily lives for a long time to come.





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