Jurisdictions relax zoning bylaws as YIMBY movement grows across North America
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Cities across North America have taken steps to relax zoning bylaws in neighborhoods designated for single-family houses as the YIMBY campaign (yes, in my back yard) waged by the millennial generation gains momentum. The Chinese News bilingual article highlights how the movement pushed jurisdictions to adopt pro-housing policies.
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在严重的住房供应短缺的情况下,北美许多主要城市的房价和租金飙升至创纪录的高位,使越来越多的中低收入者(包括千禧一代)不得不搬出社区。 同时,住房开发受到严格限制,因为许多司法管辖区通过严格划分小区的政策来保护“明显”的社区特征,其市政规划条款不允许在单户住宅地区建造任何其他类型的房屋。 支持这些限制住房开发政策的是千禧一代的父辈,也就是加拿大婴儿潮一代的物业主们,他们振臂高呼“别打扰了我的后院”的口号,担心房屋价值下跌,并抱怨称额外建筑会挡住他们西葫芦花园的阳光。 但那些激愤昂扬的 20 至 30 岁年轻人不再保持沉默,发起了一场挑战现有市政规划和小区划分规则的运动。
Amid the severe housing supply shortages, home prices and rents have soared to record highs in many major cities across North America, pricing out a growing number of low and middle-income earners –many millennials. Meanwhile, housing developments were under severe restrictions, as zoning bylaws in many jurisdictions did not permit new buildings in the single-family home neighborhood, with rigid zoning plan policies to protect "prevailing" neighborhood character. Behind the restrictive regulations of the housing development was the parent generation of millennial –Baby Boomer property owners -- who were concerned about home resale value and nagged about the blocked sunshine to their zucchini garden, chanting the slogan "NIMBY." But the angry 20-30-year-old no longer remains silent, waging a campaign to challenge the existing zoning bylaws and housing rules.

“你在说你家后院的西葫芦吗?!可我现在的问题是付不起房租!”据《卫报》报道,一位不满的千禧青年维多利亚·菲尔斯(Victoria Fierce,)在伯克莱市议会上据理力争道。菲尔斯称,新建房屋的稀缺是导致旧金山租金飙升的主要原因,使她几乎无力支付湾区的任何地带的住房。 而多伦多的千禧一代也加入这一要求改变住房政策的潮流,表达了他们对多伦多城市住房负担危机及其家庭未来的深切担忧。这些 年轻的住房政策受害者们公开反对禁止新建住房项目的城市规则,认为限制性法律是带有阶级歧视性的,它造成住房短缺并促使城市扩张。 他们积极融入北美的“就在后院盖房!”这一潮流之中,提倡激进的住房解决方案。
"You're talking about zucchinis? Really? Because I am struggling to pay rent," retorted an indignant millennial, Victoria Fierce, at a City of Berkeley council meeting, according to The Guardian. Fierce argued that the failure to build new houses had caused soaring rents in San Francisco, leaving her barely able to afford to live anywhere in the Bay Area. Toronto millennials echoed her voice, expressing their concerns about the housing affordability crisis in the city and their family's future. The young housing victims spoke out against city rules that ban housing projects, arguing the restrictive laws were classist, creating housing shortages and encouraging urban sprawl. They demand radical housing solutions, joining the YIMBY movement that sweeps through North America.

这场“就在后院盖房运动”在美,加产生了广泛影响,使北美市政府日趋倾向于放弃圈定单户住宅区的市区规划条款。 明尼阿波利斯州在 2019 年投票允许在住宅地段建造复式和三层式住宅,而加利福尼亚州则对现有的分区规则进行了修定,允许在住宅区域建造复式和四式住宅。 结果仅2020 年一年,有数千个 附宅单元或花园单元(ADU)在洛杉矶居民的后院落成。
The movement has made a widespread impact on the continent as city councils across North America have increasingly moved to lose their planning rules targeting single-family zoning. Minneapolis voted in 2019 to allow duplexes and triplexes on all residential lots, while California adopted changes to zoning rules, permitting duplexes and fourplexes on the property. As a result, L.A. saw thousands of ADUs -- accessory dwelling units or garden units built on residents' backyards in 2020.

加拿大各级政府也紧随其后,大胆地摆脱了几十年来严格施行的建筑分区限制。 在 2018 年批准了后巷出租住房计划后,多伦多城市规划部门允许房产主在后院建造附宅单元或花园单元(ADU),这是多年来不可想象的举措。 温哥华市政府已投票探索以使该市在家庭住宅区内建造多达六套住宅的途径,其住宅类型可为从巷道住宅到小型公寓楼等。
Canadian jurisdictions followed suit, taking bold steps away from rigid zoning restrictions in place for decades. After approving the laneway rental housing program in 2018, the Toronto city planning allowed homeowners to build ADUs in the backyard, a move that was unthinkable for many years. Vancouver city council has voted to explore ways to allow as many as six homes on any residential lot in the city, ranging from laneway homes to small apartment buildings.

安省住房负担能力工作研究组还针对“别打扰我家后院”,既反对在单户住宅区建造它类住房的呼声提出了针对措施。 这些措施将允许家庭无需申请就可在其住宅区内建造第二套房、花园套房、后巷屋和多租户住房等。 工作组还敦促在任何家庭宅区内不需提交申请而建造多达四个住房单元。 工作小组报告表示:“后院勿扰主义是安省提供住房的一个巨大而持续的障碍…… 我们不会让那些让反对家庭建房项目或将其政治化的势力来阻止我们满足安省民众的住房需求。”
The Ontario housing affordability task force also made recommendations targeting "NIMBY" oppositions to new development in the single-family neighborhoods. The change would automatically allow secondary suites, garden suites, laneway houses, and multi-tenant housing in residential areas. The task force also urges the automatic approval of up to four housing units on any residential lot. "NIMBYism is a large and constant obstacle to providing housing everywhere," it says. "We cannot allow opposition and politicization of individual housing projects to prevent us from meeting the needs of all Ontarians."

今天的年轻一代比他们婴儿潮的父母一代面临更多的财务挑战,他们所积累的财富仅是其父母一代当年的一半,但在购房方面面临更大的障碍。 但这一代人更有韧性,更愿意站出来抗衡世界的不公。 勿扰后院的 倡导者和婴儿潮一代必须认识到今天的世界已发生了巨大变化。
Today's younger generation faces more financial challenges than the boomers – they've accumulated half amount of assets than their parent generation when they were at the same age while facing far more significant barriers in homeownership. But this generation is more resilient and more willing to stand up and change the world. NIMBY advocates and the boomers must recognize the world is a changing place.
