Had I moved to Georgia, I would have been one of the armed citizens
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
我一度对枪支持有者鄙视,惧怕有加,认为那些拥有能将子弹以致命速度射入人体的武器者都是些不法之徒,社会渣子。 那时,我对枪支的了解还很原始和肤浅,仅限于它的杀人不眨眼的武力和功效。 作为一名来自禁止平民拥有枪支的国家的移民,我对美国盛行的枪支文化很是鄙夷,也感到非常遥远。 但几年前的一次前往枪支拥有量在美国名列前茅的佐治亚州亚特兰大的旅行让我大开眼界,使我亲身体验了美国根深蒂固的枪支文化,并对枪支在美国人生活中所扮演的重要角色有了深刻理解。
渥太华从7月4日执行全新父母祖父母超级签证 签证可长达7年

I used to demonize gun ownership, believing that those possessing a weapon that can spit out a bullet at a lethal speed were a threat to the safety of society. Back then, my knowledge about guns had been primitive, confined to their ability to kill people without mercy. As an immigrant from a country that banned civilian gun ownership, the prevalent gun culture in America seemed unfamiliar and uncomfortable. But an eye-opening trip to Atlanta, Georgia several years ago, where gun ownership ranked among the highest in the US, allowed me to experience a firsthand account of America's deep-rooted gun culture and the significant roles guns have played in Americans' lives.
我对美国人将枪支视为必不可少的防身武器的看法来自于对对佐治亚州射击训练场的造访。 在射击训练开始之前,当听说要使用世界上使用最广的AK47突击步枪射击时,我害怕极了。 但靶场教官反复强调的训练目的道出了射击的真谛,让我松了一口气不说,还提高了我对步枪射击更新的认识。 “我们要掌握步枪射击技能,是为了更好地保障我们家人和自身的安全,而绝对不是要对他人造成任何威胁和伤害,”教官说。 “我们鼓励女性练习,因为这是学习如何保护自身安全的重要途径。”

My visit to a shooting range in Georgia brought me the Americans' gun perspective, which deemed guns essential protective gear. Before the training started, the plan of shooting with an AK47 assault rifle – the world's most widely used firearm seemed terrifying. But the range officers' repeated emphasis on the training purpose gave me relief, providing more insight into why we practiced on the shooting range. "We want to learn the rifle shooting skills to defend the safety of our families and ourselves. It never intends to cause harm, posing threats to others," said the officer. "And we encourage women to practice, as it is an important way to learn how to protect themselves."
在佐治亚州,枪支是常见商品,可以在任何枪支商店或体育用品商店轻而易举地买到。 沃尔玛出售弹药箱就像卖瓶装水。 佐治亚州几乎 100% 的家庭都拥有作为自卫武器的枪支。 我在佐治亚州遇到的枪支拥有者都是最友善、最友善和好客的人,与我想象中的凶残怪物相去甚远。 我的两个从多伦多搬到乔治亚州的中国朋友也加入了这个行列,成为了自豪的枪支拥有者之一。

In Georgia, guns were common commodities widely available at any gun shop or sporting store. Boxes of ammunition were sold at Walmart similarly to bottles of water. Almost 100% of households in Georgia had a gun in their home as a self-defense weapon. Gun owners I met in Georgia were the nicest, most amicable, and hospitable people, far from the murderous monsters I had imagined. Two of my Chinese friends who had moved to Georgia from Toronto jumped on the bandwagon, becoming one of the proud gun owners.
佐治亚州法律对向入侵者开枪所提供的法律辩护令我更加震惊。一位当地电台主持人在他的节目中谈到枪支使用时说:“你宁愿被 12 人评判,也不愿被 6 人抬走。”佐治亚州 的大众已达成共识,既当你面临生命危险时,你宁愿开枪然后面对 12 名陪审员的审判,也不要被入侵者杀死然后被六名护理人员用担架抬出。 州法律规定,出于自卫的开枪射杀是合法的。

The legal defense that the state law provided for taking the shot at an intruder struck me even more. "You'd rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6," said a local talk show host in his radio program over gun use. The public consensus was that you'd better fire a shot and then face 12 jurors when your life is in danger than being killed by the intruder and then carried on a stretcher by six paramedics. The state law made it legal to shoot if you are acting in self-defense.
那次从佐治亚州回来之后,美国发生了多起大规模枪击事件,使包括学龄儿童在内的数千名无辜生命惨死在枪口之下。 拉斯维加斯的大规模大屠杀造成59人死亡数百人受伤,而最近在德克萨斯州发生的枪击事件造成 19 名儿童和两名教师死亡。 在最近的一起事件中,一名来自台湾的男子向教堂礼拜者开枪,杀害了华人社区的信徒。

Since my trip to Georgia, numerous mass shooting incidents have happened in the U.S., leaving thousands of innocent lives – including school children lost at gunpoint. The large-scale mass murder in Las Vegas killed 59 people and injured hundreds, and the most recent shooting in Texas left 19 children and two teachers dead. In a recent incident, a man from Taiwan started a shooting rampage that killed churchgoers from the Chinese community.

Undoubtedly, each of these mass shootings would shake Americans to the core. But despite the link between the higher levels of household gun ownership and a growing rate of overall homicide, Americans don't want to lose their guns under any circumstances. The US's advocacy for gun control faces a strong headwind of entrenched gun culture, fortified by the second amendment that protects individual gun rights. Despite the soaring victims of gun violence, gun ownership has never dropped in Georgia, and two of my friends continue to own the gun.
Had I moved to Georgia, I would have been one of the armed citizens. As an immigrant, gun ownership would tie to my identity, paving my path for fitting into a society where everyone possesses one.

渥太华从7月4日执行全新父母祖父母超级签证 签证可长达7年

I used to demonize gun ownership, believing that those possessing a weapon that can spit out a bullet at a lethal speed were a threat to the safety of society. Back then, my knowledge about guns had been primitive, confined to their ability to kill people without mercy. As an immigrant from a country that banned civilian gun ownership, the prevalent gun culture in America seemed unfamiliar and uncomfortable. But an eye-opening trip to Atlanta, Georgia several years ago, where gun ownership ranked among the highest in the US, allowed me to experience a firsthand account of America's deep-rooted gun culture and the significant roles guns have played in Americans' lives.
我对美国人将枪支视为必不可少的防身武器的看法来自于对对佐治亚州射击训练场的造访。 在射击训练开始之前,当听说要使用世界上使用最广的AK47突击步枪射击时,我害怕极了。 但靶场教官反复强调的训练目的道出了射击的真谛,让我松了一口气不说,还提高了我对步枪射击更新的认识。 “我们要掌握步枪射击技能,是为了更好地保障我们家人和自身的安全,而绝对不是要对他人造成任何威胁和伤害,”教官说。 “我们鼓励女性练习,因为这是学习如何保护自身安全的重要途径。”

My visit to a shooting range in Georgia brought me the Americans' gun perspective, which deemed guns essential protective gear. Before the training started, the plan of shooting with an AK47 assault rifle – the world's most widely used firearm seemed terrifying. But the range officers' repeated emphasis on the training purpose gave me relief, providing more insight into why we practiced on the shooting range. "We want to learn the rifle shooting skills to defend the safety of our families and ourselves. It never intends to cause harm, posing threats to others," said the officer. "And we encourage women to practice, as it is an important way to learn how to protect themselves."
在佐治亚州,枪支是常见商品,可以在任何枪支商店或体育用品商店轻而易举地买到。 沃尔玛出售弹药箱就像卖瓶装水。 佐治亚州几乎 100% 的家庭都拥有作为自卫武器的枪支。 我在佐治亚州遇到的枪支拥有者都是最友善、最友善和好客的人,与我想象中的凶残怪物相去甚远。 我的两个从多伦多搬到乔治亚州的中国朋友也加入了这个行列,成为了自豪的枪支拥有者之一。

In Georgia, guns were common commodities widely available at any gun shop or sporting store. Boxes of ammunition were sold at Walmart similarly to bottles of water. Almost 100% of households in Georgia had a gun in their home as a self-defense weapon. Gun owners I met in Georgia were the nicest, most amicable, and hospitable people, far from the murderous monsters I had imagined. Two of my Chinese friends who had moved to Georgia from Toronto jumped on the bandwagon, becoming one of the proud gun owners.
佐治亚州法律对向入侵者开枪所提供的法律辩护令我更加震惊。一位当地电台主持人在他的节目中谈到枪支使用时说:“你宁愿被 12 人评判,也不愿被 6 人抬走。”佐治亚州 的大众已达成共识,既当你面临生命危险时,你宁愿开枪然后面对 12 名陪审员的审判,也不要被入侵者杀死然后被六名护理人员用担架抬出。 州法律规定,出于自卫的开枪射杀是合法的。

The legal defense that the state law provided for taking the shot at an intruder struck me even more. "You'd rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6," said a local talk show host in his radio program over gun use. The public consensus was that you'd better fire a shot and then face 12 jurors when your life is in danger than being killed by the intruder and then carried on a stretcher by six paramedics. The state law made it legal to shoot if you are acting in self-defense.
那次从佐治亚州回来之后,美国发生了多起大规模枪击事件,使包括学龄儿童在内的数千名无辜生命惨死在枪口之下。 拉斯维加斯的大规模大屠杀造成59人死亡数百人受伤,而最近在德克萨斯州发生的枪击事件造成 19 名儿童和两名教师死亡。 在最近的一起事件中,一名来自台湾的男子向教堂礼拜者开枪,杀害了华人社区的信徒。

Since my trip to Georgia, numerous mass shooting incidents have happened in the U.S., leaving thousands of innocent lives – including school children lost at gunpoint. The large-scale mass murder in Las Vegas killed 59 people and injured hundreds, and the most recent shooting in Texas left 19 children and two teachers dead. In a recent incident, a man from Taiwan started a shooting rampage that killed churchgoers from the Chinese community.

Undoubtedly, each of these mass shootings would shake Americans to the core. But despite the link between the higher levels of household gun ownership and a growing rate of overall homicide, Americans don't want to lose their guns under any circumstances. The US's advocacy for gun control faces a strong headwind of entrenched gun culture, fortified by the second amendment that protects individual gun rights. Despite the soaring victims of gun violence, gun ownership has never dropped in Georgia, and two of my friends continue to own the gun.
Had I moved to Georgia, I would have been one of the armed citizens. As an immigrant, gun ownership would tie to my identity, paving my path for fitting into a society where everyone possesses one.
