

Opinion: Is Pelosi's Taiwan visit a self-serving political stunt?
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
尽管中国政府一再警告称,美国众议院议长南希佩罗西访台将导致中国政府包括军事行动在内的报复措施和严重后果,佩罗西还是于上周对台湾进行了公开而高调的访问。 这一备受争议之举引发了国际社会的广泛关注。 批评人士说,她不合时宜的出访是鲁莽的、具有挑衅性的,也是出于自身利益的政治噱头,旨在为她的政治声誉添光增采。 但那些对佩罗西有深刻了解的人士,那些钦佩她对人权的坚定不移的倡导、她对民主治国的坚韧不拔的信念以及她强硬而独立的作风的人士则对她台湾之旅持完全不同的看法。

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US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a high-profile visit to Taiwan last week, defying Beijing's repeated warnings of reprisal and consequences – including military actions. The highly controversial visit has been under intense public scrutiny. Critics say her ill-timed act was reckless, provocative, and a political stunt out of self-interest meant to burnish her legacy. But those who know her best – admiring her unwavering commitment to human rights cause, her consistent support in democratic governance, and her hawkish independent streak view her Taiwan visit differently.

早在1989年,当坦克驶入北京天安门广场,残酷镇压了中国学生的民主抗议活动后,佩洛西首次站出来抨击北京侵犯人权的行为。 作为加州的议会代表,佩洛西推动了一项移民法案,既允许支持六四抗议的中国学生在签证到期后继续留在美国,以避免他们回国后遭受当局迫害。 但时任总统乔治·W·布什却否决了这项会导致中国与美国断绝外交和经济关系的法案。 尽管当时的佩罗西在众议院的地位相对较低,但她通过数百个电话和“亲爱的同事”诉求信,为国会争取了推翻总统否决权所需的选票。 从该移民规则中受益的4万名美国的中国学生应感谢佩洛西为此做出的努力和付出。

Pelosi made her first remarkable act of standing up against Beijing's human rights violation in 1989 after the tanks rolled into Beijing's Tiananmen Square to brutally crack down on Chinese students' pro-democracy protests. As the California representative, Pelosi propelled a bill that would permit the Chinese students supporting the rally to remain in the US after their visas expired, allowing them to avoid the potential persecution if they returned to China. But President George W Bush vetoed the bill that could lead China to sever diplomatic and economic ties with the US. Despite her relatively junior status in the House, she marshaled votes needed for Congress to override the president's veto – through hundreds of phone calls and a "Dear Colleague" letter. The 40000 Chinese American students who had benefited from the immigration rule had Pelosi to thank.

佩洛西对中国暴力镇压学生抗议活动的谴责远不止于此。 她的另一惊人之举为1991年与另外两名国会议员一起造访天安门广场,以纪念被屠杀学生的勇气和为民主所做的牺牲。 他们在地上铺上白花,并展开一面标有“致那些为推进中国民主进程的牺牲者“的横幅。 中共警方进行干预,短暂拘留了国会议员并逮捕了报道该事件的记者。 佩洛西的此举引发了批评,CNN北京分社社长迈克·奇诺伊当时为“外交政策”刊物撰写了一篇专栏文章,称佩洛西是导致他在天安门遭被捕的祸根。 “这是我第一次体验佩洛西是如何不计后果,以惹恼中共掌权者来追求政治高调的!”

Pelosi's condemnation of China's violent suppression of the student protests didn't stop there. In 1991, she, along with two other Congressmen, made a stunning move by visiting Tiananmen Square to honor the courage and sacrifice of the students massacred. They laid white flowers on the ground and unfurled a banner that read "To those who died for democracy in China." Beijing police moved in, briefly detaining the Congressmen for questioning and arresting journalists covering the event. Pelosi's action sparked criticism, with CNN Beijing bureau chief Mike Chinoy writing an op-ed for Foreign Policy that Pelosi was the reason he got arrested at the scene. "It was my first experience with Pelosi's penchant for high-profile gestures designed to poke China's communist rulers in the eye - regardless of the consequences," he wrote.

但没有什么能阻止佩罗西坚定地维护其倡导人权的原则和立场。 这位众议院民主党领袖直言指责美国政府支持中国加入世贸组织,并反对将商业利益和与中国的经济关系置于促进人权之原则之上。 她于 2009 年再次访问中国,并亲手将一封信交给时任中国国家主席胡锦涛,呼吁中共政府释放政治犯。 对中国的直言不讳的批评的她,曾指责中国政府对待维吾尔穆斯林的虐待,并以西藏侵犯人权为由抵制 2008 年的北京奥运会。

But nothing could have stopped her from the relenting journey to advocate for human rights principles fiercely. The House Democratic leader criticized the US government for China's accession to the WTO, opposing prioritizing commercial interest and economic relations with China over promoting human rights. She made a subsequent trip to China in 2009, where she hand-delivered a letter to Hu Jintao, the then China's president, calling for the release of political prisoners. As an outspoken critic of China, she has called out the Chinese government for their treatment of Uyghur Muslims and boycotted the 2008 Beijing Olympics over human rights violations in Tibet.

尽管北京一再警告称其台湾之行将遭到报复并引发严重后果,且中国社交媒体的火爆言论扬言要击落她的座机,佩洛西还是果敢地进行了这次激怒中国的有争议之旅,凸显其将民主原则置于自身利益之上的努力。 是佩洛西对毕生事业的追求让她踏上了这个自治岛屿,这片象征着民主和反抗的土地。

Despite the repeated warning of reprisal and consequences from Beijing and Chinese social media's hot-running rhetoric of taking down her plane, Pelosi courageously made the contentious visit that would irate China, highlighting her efforts to prioritize democratic principles over self-interest. Pelosi's pursuit of the lifelong committed cause let her set foot on the self-governing island, the symbol of defiance and democracy.




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