
近期审计总长发布的报告再一次将自由党政府浪费加国纳税人资金行为置于镁光灯执行。报告揭露了在加拿大疫情期紧急商业账户(CEBA)项目管理中存在的严重问题,包括向咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture Inc.)赠与总额高达3.13亿加元的"唯一公司"合同。埃森哲完全未经过竞争性招标程序的情况下,被授予了该项旨在管理疫情紧急救援金管理的合同。作为联邦政府的皇家企业的加拿大出口发展公司EDC,受托负责为近90万家小企业在疫情期间提供贷款,而EDC则将92%的相关合同外包给了埃森哲公司。
The Liberal government is facing intensified scrutiny following a damning Auditor-General report exposing the mismanagement of $313 million in sole-source contracts awarded to consulting firm Accenture Inc. for administering the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program. Designed to provide loans to nearly 900,000 small businesses during the pandemic, the program was delegated to Export Development Canada (EDC), which outsourced 92% of CEBA-related contracts to Accenture without competitive bidding.
The audit uncovered critical failures, including EDC granting Accenture excessive control over contract terms, pricing, and vendor selection processes. A striking example is the management of a call center established to assist small businesses. Initially, the center handled a high volume of inquiries, costing an average of $40 per call. However, as call volumes dropped dramatically by 2023, costs skyrocketed to an average of $589 per call. Discrepancies in billing practices further highlighted oversight failures, with Accenture invoicing for 14 hours of work per agent per day, despite the center being operational for only nine hours. These lapses reflect systemic failures in monitoring expenditures, enabling unchecked cost escalation.
更有甚者,当加拿大出口发展局(EDC)将对提供贷款会计系统的选择也完全委托给埃森哲(Accenture)公司。埃森哲在遴选过程供应商过程中非但未能保证公平性,并且将合同拱手让给了其位于巴西的子公司One Financial,构成利益冲突,凸显出在管理公共资金方面缺严重乏问责和透明度。
The mismanagement deepened when EDC delegated vendor selection for a loan-accounting system to Accenture. Instead of ensuring a fair process, Accenture awarded the contract to its own subsidiary, Brazil-based One Financial, in a clear conflict of interest. This further underscored the lack of accountability and transparency in managing public funds.
This pattern of governance failure echoes previous controversies. The ArriveCan app, initially estimated to cost $80,000, ballooned to $54 million due to similar outsourcing mismanagement, with millions flowing to contractors who performed little or no IT work. Likewise, the WE Charity scandal laid bare a troubling lack of transparency when the government bypassed a competitive bidding process to award a $543 million contract to an organization with close ties to Prime Minister Trudeau’s family. The charity’s financial instability and inability to manage the program underscored systemic flaws in oversight, further eroding confidence in the government’s stewardship of public resources.
Critics argue that a key issue lies in the absence of robust oversight mechanisms. Finance Canada, for instance, defended its role by asserting that it has no legislative mandate to monitor administrative expenditures for programs like CEBA. This abdication of responsibility leaves Crown corporations such as EDC to act independently, often without sufficient checks and balances, enabling repeated governance failures.
The consequences of these scandals extend beyond financial waste, striking at the core of Canada’s global reputation for integrity and effective governance. With these controversies mounting, Canada’s image as a model of ethical stewardship is being overshadowed by concerns about faltering accountability under the Liberal government. These repeated missteps reveal a troubling disregard for the safeguarding of public funds—a bitter reality for Canadians already grappling with rising living costs and an affordability crisis. Without meaningful reforms, public trust will continue to erode, ultimately undermining the government's ability to maintain its hold on power.