

Opinion: By adopting zero Covid policy, China wages war against nature
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)

中国对 Covid-19 疫情一直采取清零态度,既各国很少采取的从厉的封锁,严格限制和隔离规则等粗暴措施消灭新冠病毒。但 随着 Omicron 病例迅速而广泛地传播,这一包括残忍杀害 2200 多只宠物仓鼠零疫情战略已无法遏制最新一波疫情。 清零政策造成了极为严重的破坏性后果,导致许多企业破产并威胁全球经济增长。 但是,尽管面临这种高度可传播的变体的严峻挑战,中国最高领导人表示还是要将坚持激进的清零手段,为将国内所有新冠病毒一网打尽。 在采取与病毒势不两立的共产党眼里区区病毒根本不是其对手,它坚信通过决心、意志力和实力中国完全能赢得这场新冠战争的彻底胜利。

3月25日/周五疫情报告:***安省新增2,761个新冠病例 比上周五高33.55% ***香烟生产商出钱开发疫苗 世卫拒绝批准加拿大产首款新冠疫苗 ***安省省长福特:安省医疗系统能顶住这一波新冠感染
地产:实在不想再抢房了 加国房价涨幅将放缓

China has taken a zero-tolerance approach to Covid-19 outbreaks, resorting to shockingly suppressive measures – from draconian lockdowns to severe restrictions and isolation rules rarely taken by countries worldwide. The zero-covid strategy -- including the cruel killing of over 2200 pet hamsters-- has been untenable to contain the latest wave as Omicron cases spread rapidly and widely. The policy has far more disruptive consequences – from causing business bankruptcies to threatening global economic growth. But despite stern challenges from the highly transmittable variant, China's top leader says it will stick with the radical policy, making a stubborn and persistent effort to wipe out all Covid cases from the country. Beijing's no-tolerance response has shown its belief that the government can outpower the virus, winning the Covid war through determination, willpower, and strength.


Man must conquer nature was a slogan created by Mao, which has become a dominant policy directive ever since. China has repeatedly tapped into the influential saying to wage war against nature. Mao, annoyed by scientific thinking, encouraged the nation to view nature with contempt strategically, mobilizing a heady ideological spirit that treated nature as an enemy to overcome. The construction of new irrigation networks -- including the Red Flag Canal marked the first battle in Mao's war against nature, followed by the "Iron and Steel campaign that saw millions of backyard furnaces dotted across the country. The infamous "Eliminate Four Pets" campaign led to the mass slaughter of sparrows, flies, mosquitoes, and rats. Undoubtedly, the mass campaigns resulted in a catastrophic outcome, highlighting the futile efforts of using mass human energy to alter nature. Apart from the ecological disruptions that caused deforestation, land degradation, and insect infestation, these movements had led to crop failure and the more devastating disaster -- three years of famine.

近几十年来,中国的经济政策也与自然背道而驰。这些政策一味追求经济增长,置环境影响和气候威胁于不顾。几十年来的加速工业化进程造成了严重的环境恶果,不但破坏了生态系统还给人民健康造成严重威胁。城市道路、地铁和铁路的大规模扩张扰乱了自然水文循环,由肆虐的洪水和滑坡导致的近期郑州水灾造成数百人的死亡。 健康影响研究所的一项研究发现,PM2.5的飙升  导致 中国142 万人在2019年过早死亡,另有 363,000 人死于固体燃料造成的家庭空气污染。 大自然的严酷现实迫使中国最高领导人承诺开展生态文明运动,以“使人与自然能和谐共存”。

China's economic policies in recent decades are also at odds with nature, downplaying the environmental vulnerability and prioritizing growth over climate resilience. Decades of rapid industrialization have caused an ecological crisis that significantly impacted this country, from wrecking its ecosystem to ruining people's health. The vast expansion of roads, subways, and railways in cities disrupted the natural hydrological cycle, creating ravaging flooding and land sliding in Zhenzhou that killed hundreds of people. A study by the Health Effects Institute found that unhealthy levels of PM2. 5 led to roughly 1.42 million premature deaths in China in 2019, with additional 363,000 deaths from household air pollution from burning solid fuels. The harsh reality of nature has forced the top leader to promise a campaign of ecological civilization to "maintain harmony between man and nature."

但在具有高度传染性,强大的变异病毒面前,中国政府却拒绝像世界大多数国家那样做出与自然和睦相处,与病毒共存的选择。 根除病毒是一个极端美丽的梦,但科学界认为这个梦根本不会成为现实。 《自然》杂志的调查中 90% 的受访科学家认为,新冠病毒将在未来几年继续在全球人口中传播。 明尼阿波利斯州的明尼苏达大学的流行病学家迈克尔·奥斯特霍尔姆则表示:“目前要想从世界上彻底消灭这种病毒就好像要打造一个”攀登月球的阶梯通道”,完全不现实。” 但不信邪的北京政府却早已下定决心,要依靠其权威政权的力量去创造这一登天之 梦,使不可能成为可能。

But Beijing has refused to maintain harmony between man and nature in the face of a formidable and highly contagious variant like most countries do. To eradicate the virus is a beautiful dream but most scientists think it's improbable. 90% of respondents in the Nature survey believe that the coronavirus will continue to circulate in pockets of the global population for years to come. "Eradicating this virus right now from the world is a lot like trying to plan the construction of a stepping-stone pathway to the Moon. It's unrealistic," says Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. But Beijing has determined to use its authoritarian power to build that pathway, challenging the impossible.



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